
Anna Narly postcards bundle | Bulwer’s Castle | Haidarpasha explosion | Kadıköy phone exchange | Artigiana appeal poster | Gilchrist Walker minutes book | Coffee culture | Usoni document | Former Galata Church | Guys postcards | Van Heemstra photo | Menemen postcard and factory | Smyrna paintings | Smyrna bridges | Tophane Ford works | Eppstein medals | Mario Serra venture | Lloyd Triestino Shipping Line | Frank Han of Galata | Long distance French walkers | ORC Personnel | Constantinople pantomime | Padova Freres Postcards | Smyrna / Izmir cyclists | Insurance certificates | Souvenir handkerchiefs | Zonaro illustration | Advertising cards | British nurses Constantinople | British embassy Constantinople | Daleggio decoration | Izmir 1960s Levantine theatre photos | Smyrna church plans | Robert College sports photos | Bills of exchange | Courting postcards | St John Church archives | 1804 St. Maria Church listing | Probate / wills | Internment State | Firmans issued concerning Dragomans | G&A Baker shop of Istanbul sample catalogue pages | Family Bibles | Levantine hats of Smyrna | Foreign Post Offices | Foreign banks | Church organ restoration project | Foreign schools | Ralph Gout watches | Bible Society archives | Levantine manger displays | Advertising boards | The French benevolent foundation of Constantinople celebrations | Gravier family of Constantinople photo album | Ottoman bill of exchange from Smyrna | Smyrna earthquakes | Luigi and Clara Mayer paintings | Trade / Club tokens / Commemoration medals | Reboul Pharmacy | Belles of Levant | Embassy stationary yachts in Constantinople | Caravan Bridge cemeteries | Feast of San Giovanni Bosco | Grazia Dura Bin and Levant new world connections | Civitas Hymn of Smyrna | The Vittoria “Tina” Giannetti address book | Franco-Belgium company promotion | Orosdi-Back Department Stores | Surviving architectural plaques of Istanbul | Rubellin photos | Haifa German colony | Eastern telegraph company | Kalabak camp | San Antonio Church Bayraklı anniversary booklet | Cabinet photos | Izmir priests | Death notices | Ottoman Bank photos | Izmir Salesian alumni | Early tourists | La Centrale School

This section of the website deals with objects, postcards and photos that tell more than the story of what first appears. Often piecing together fragments of Levantine life and culture has to rely on secondary sources, as few diaries and other revealing documents either survive or were kept in the first place. The range of items here is intended to serve both as a repository of this analysis and we are grateful for our friends in both providing the imagery and the study to bring out the clues. We are open to further submissions, and hopefully a small piece of your own family history puzzle will also be solved.