- Constantinople in 1828: A residence of sixteen months in the Turkish capital and provinces - Charles Mac Farlane, London 1829
- Constantinople
and the scenery of the seven churches of Asia Minor – Rev. Robert Walsh LL.D. chaplain to the British Embassy at the Ottoman Porte - London - 1838 - segment -
- The
Beauties of the Bosphorus - Miss Julia Pardoe (London 1839)
- Notes on a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo, by William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) - ebook
- Ismeer, or Smyrna and its British Hospital in 1855 - London, 1856 - segment -
- Report on Smyrna - George Rollerston - London, 1856 - segment -
- Railways in Turkey: Remarks upon the Practicability and Advantage of Railway Communication in European and Asiatic Turkey - Sir MacDonald Stephenson, 1859
- Memoir of Mrs Mary E. van Lennep - New York, 1860 - segment -
- The Imperial Ottoman Smyrna & Aidin Railway, Its Position and Prospects - Hyde Clark, 1861 - Google segment
- “Travels and Discoveries in the Levant” - C.T. Newton, M.A. - Day & Son Ltd., London 1865 - Google segment -
- Etude sur Smyrne par Constantin Iconomos traduite du Grec par Bonaventure F. Slaars [Studies on Smyrna by Constantin Iconomos translated from Greek by Bonaventure F. Slaars], Smyrne, 1868 - cover - content
- Travels in little known parts of Asia Minor, with illustrations of Biblical literature and researches in archaeology - Henry John van Lennep - London, 1870 - lithograph
- Smyrne: Considérée au point de vue géographique, économique et intellectuel - Charles Scherzer, 1873 - cover
- Among
the Turks - Cyrus Hamlin - Boğaziçi - (Cyrus Hamlin’s reminiscences of 35 years in Turkey, beginning in January, 1839. Originally published in 1878 by Robert Carter and Brothers, New York)
- Capitulations of the Ottoman Empire: Report of Edward A. Van Dyck, Washington, 1881
- Pen and Pencil in Asia Minor, or notes from the Levant - William Cochran - London, 1887 - segment -
- Smyrne: situation commerciale et économique des pays compris dans la circonscription du consulat général de France (Vilayets d’Aïdin, de Konieh et des Iles) - Firmin Rougon, [French Consul-General in Smyrna] - Berger-Levrault & Co., 1892 - segment -
- Early voyages and travels in the Levant - Thomas Dallam; John Covel; J Theodore Bent - London: Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1893 (later re-print: New York, B. Franklin [1964?]) - read online
- Histoire de la Latinité de Constantinople - M.A. Belin, Consul Général près l’Ambassade de France a Constantinople - Alphonse Picard et Fils, Paris, 1894 - segment - read online
- The Smyrna Fig at Home and Abroad: A Treatise - George C. Roeding, 1903 - segment -
- In the Levant – Charles Dudley Warner – Atlantic Monthly Library of Travel, volume six, 1907 (a travelogue covering the year 1875) - segment -
- The early history of the Levant Company – Mortimer Epstein – George Roulette & Son Ltd, London, 1908
- Notice sur le Diocèse de Smyrne et le Vicariat Apost. de l’Asie Mineure [Notes on the Diocese of Smyrna and the Apostolic Vicariate of Asia Minor] – L’Abbe Franck de Portu, Smyrne, 1908- cover
- The Latins in the Levant: A History of Frankish Greece, 1204-1566
- William Miller (1908, reprinted 1979) - segment -
- Saint Polycarpe et son tombeau – le Pere Jean-Baptist, Capucin, 1911 - images -
- Foreigners in Turkey: Their Juridical Status - Philip Marshall Brown, 1914 - segment -
- Forty Years in Constantinople Sir Edwin Pears 1873-1915 - New York: D. Appleton & Company - 1916 - segment -
- Under the Turk in Constantinople – a record of Sir John Finch’s embassy 1674-1681, by G.F. Abbott - London 1920 - segment -
- A Survey of Some Conditions in Smyrna, Asia Minor. Izmir: International American College of Izmir, - J. Kingsley Birge et al. 1921 - Turkish version: İzmir’deki Bazı Sosyal Koşullar Hakkında Bir Araştırma: İzmir 1921 (Uluslararası Amerikan Koleji Araştırma Komitesi Raporu) Çev: Aykan Candemir, İzmir: İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Yayınları, 2000
- A consul in the East - A.C. Wratislaw C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E. – William Blackwood and sons - 1924 - segment -
- ‘Family Records - A record of the origin of Whittall families of Turkey and a short history of the La Fontaine family by James La Fontaine’ - Edmund H. Giraud - 1934 (unavailable) - segment -
- Le RR. Suore dell’ Immacolata Concezione d’Ivrea a Smyrne: Nel 50° Anno di Loro Apostolato 1887-1937 - Cenni Storici [The Nuns of the Immacolata Concezione D’Ivrea in Izmir: In Their 50th Year of Apostolate 1887-1937 - Historical outlines], Libreria Editrice ‘F. Francesco’, Parma - [143 Mb file, please be patient]
- Les Anciennes Familles Italiennes de Turquie – Willy Sperco
- Istanbul - segment - translated segment -
- Le Pietre Sepolcrali di Arab Giamí (Antica Chiesa di S. Paolo a Galata) [The tomb inscriptions in Arab Mosque (The Ancient Church of St. Paul in Galata)] - Eugenio Dalleggio D’Alessio, Genova, 1942
- Son Yüzyılda İzmir: 1849-1949 (Izmir in the Last Century: 1849-1949)- Adnan Bilget, İzmir: Meşher Basımevi, 1949 (A very interesting and rare book featuring the advertisements of Levantine enterprises of the 1940s)
- The Last of the Dragomans - Sir Andrew Ryan K.B.E. C.M.G.- London: Geoffrey Bles - 1951 - segment -
- Anglican Church life in Smyrna and its neighbourhood 1636-1952 Donald H. Simpson, F.L.A. Honorary Research Librarian, Diocese of Gibraltar -1952 (unavailable) - segment -
- Bournovas - Nikos Kararas, 1955, Athens - translated segment -
- Libro D’Oro de la Noblesse de Chio - Philip P. Argenti, Oxford University Press, 1955 - online:
- And Unto Smyrna - The Story of a Church in Asia Minor S.W.H. Bird (Anglican chaplain of Izmir 1949-1958) (unavailable)
- Boutzas: the flower village of Smyrni - Nikos Kararas, pub. Association of Smyrnians, 1962 - translated segment -
- To Sevdikioi - Nikos Kararas, 1964, pub. Association of Smyrnians - translated segment -
- A history of the Levant company, Alfred Cecil Wood, New York, Barnes and Noble, 1964
- Allepo & Devonshire square, English traders in the Levant in the eighteenth century [with plates] - pp 258. Macmillan, London, 1967 - Ralph Davis, professor of economic history at the university of Leicester (BML X.519/4645)
- Early history of the Levant company - Mortimer Epstein - New York - A.M. Kelly - 1968
- The English Levant company, its foundation and history to 1640 - Mortimer Epstein - New York - B. Franklin - 1968
- Perfidious Albion – The origins of Anglo-French rivalry in the Levant 1763-1841 – John Marlowe – Elek books, London – 1971 - segment-
- Kordelio - Nikos Kararas, 1971, pub. Association of Smyrnians - translated segment -
- The Whittalls of Turkey 1809-1973 – Hugh Whittall (unavailable) - segment -
- İzmir Sehri ve Tarihi (The City and History of Izmir) - Baykara, Tuncer, İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Matbaası, 1974
- Tarih içinde İzmir (Izmir throughout History)- Çınar Atay, İzmir: Yaşar Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı, 1978
- The British in the Middle East - Sarah Searight - Published by East- West, London, 1979 - segment -
- Emperyalizmin Türkiye’ye Girişi (The Import of Imperialism into Turkey), Orhan Kurmuş, Ankara: Savaş Yayınları, 1982.
- Gateways to the Past - Houses and gardens of Old Bornova Evelyn Lyle Kalças – 1983 - segment - full book in pdf
- The Journal of Christophe Aubin: A report on the Levant trade in 1812 - A.B. Cunningham, 1983.
- Catholics and Sultans: the Church and the Ottoman Empire, 1453-1923 - Charles A. Frazee - London, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1983 - 388 p., ISBN: 0521246768.
- 1885-1985 Türkiye Ekonomisinin 100 Yılı (A Hundred Years of Turkish Economy, 1885-1985 – the book of the symposium with the same name). İzmir: İzmir Ticaret Odası, 1985
- Embassy to Constantinople, The
travels of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu – Introduced by Devla Murphy – 1987. As the wife of the British Ambassador to the Sultan’s court, she spent the years 1716-18 in Turkey and these travel letters full of observation were originally published a year after her death (she is credited with introducing to the west, innoculation and the ‘secret language of flowers’).
- Scrap book 1809-1922 - Ray Turrell -Richard Bell 1987 (memoirs of her life in Bornova by the daughter of Jessie Whittall and Reginald Turrell, 1911-1970)
- Buca Konut Mimarisi (1838-1934) [Buca Domestic Architecture] - Feyyaz Erpi, Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi, 1987
- Sultans in Splendour: Monarchs of the Middle East 1869-1945 - Philip Mansel -1988 - interview -
- Hubsch de Grossthal: Notes généalogiques et historiques - Taffard, 1988
- An English consul in Turkey - Paul Rycaut at Smyrna 1667-1678 - Sonia P. Anderson - 1989
- Izmir and the Levantine World, 1550-1650 - Daniel Goffman -
1990 - segment - (published in Turkish: Goffman, Daniel. İzmir ve Levanten Dünya: 1550-1650. Çev: Ayşen Anadol & Neyyir Kalaycıoğlu. İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 1995.)
- [Bir Levantenin Beyoğlu anıları] – The Beyoğlu [Pera] memories of a Levantine - Giovanni Scognamillo - 1991, and republished in expanded form in 2002 - Bilge Karınca yayınları - Istanbul
- XIX Century Beyoğlu - Mustafa Cezar - Akbank 1991 - English summary -
- The Commerce of Smyrna in the eighteenth century (1700-1820), Elena Frangakis-Syrett - Centre for Asia Minor Studies, Athens, 1992, 375 p. - review - (Turkish edition: Frangakis-Syrett, Elena. 18. Yüzyılda İzmir’de Ticaret (1700-1820). Çev: Çiğdem Diken. İzmir: İzmir Büyükşehir Kent Kitaplığı, 2006. )
- Anglo-Ottoman Encounters in the Age of Revolution, Vol. 1 - Allan Cunningham - Taylor & Francis, Inc. 1992 - google sample -
- Through the Legation Window 1876-1926: Four Essays on Dutch, Dutch-Indian and Ottoman History - Jan Schmidt, 1992
- Three Ages of Izmir: Palimpsest of cultures, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, Istanbul, 1993, pp. 423, ISBN: 9753631014 - segment - Turkish version: Üç İzmir (Three Izmirs) - Sahin Beygu ed., İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 1992
- İzmir’in İzmir’i [Izmir in Izmir] - Çınar Atay, İzmir: ESIAD Yayınları, 1993
- Tarihi, Ekonomisi, İnsanları ile Bizim İzmir’imiz (Our Izmir with its History, Economy and People) - Melih Gürsoy, İstanbul: Metis Yayınları, 1993 (The book involves the ancestral and commercial stories of a good deal of Levantines families of Izmir.)
- Port Cities of the Eastern Mediterranean, 1800-1914 - Çağlar Keyder, Donald Quataert and Eyüp Özveren, eds., Special Issue of Review, Fall 1993 - Turkish Edition: Doğu Akdeniz’de Liman Kentleri, 1800-1914 - Çağlar Keyder ve diğ. (ed)., Çev: Gül Çağalı Güven. İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 1994
- Gezginlerin Gözüyle İzmir [Izmir through the Eyes of Travellers] [17. ve 20. yüzyıllar arasını kapsayan 5 cilt (5 volumes covering the period between 17th and 20th centuries) - İlhan Pınar, İzmir: Akademi Kitapevi, 1994-8
- Son Yüzyıllarda İzmir ve Batı Anadolu: Uluslararası Sempozyum Tebliğleri (Izmir and the Western Anatolia throughout the Last Few Centuries – a collection of papers presented at the symposium of the same title) - Tuncer Baykara, ed., İzmir: Akademi Kitabevi, 1993.
- Eastward Bound: Dutch Ventures and Adventures in the Middle East - Editors: Geert Jan van Gelder and Ed C.M. de Moor, Brill 1994
- Aegean Masquearade - A Royal Air Force Odyssey - Stanley J. Beavan - Brewin books - 1994 - segment -
- İzmir ve Ege’den Mimari İzlenimler: Kaybolan bir Geçmişten Görüntüler [Architectural Impressions from the Aegean and Izmir] - Doğan Kuban, Daniel Goffman ve Kaya Dinçer (çizimler/drawings), İzmir: Çimentaş, 1994 (Many Levantine houses, as well as Turkish, Greek, Jewish and Armenian, of the area are pictured as drawings in this book, in addition to the articles written by the co-authors) - segment -
- The Maltese Levantine Experience: The History of the Nineteenth Century Maltese Migration to Asia Minor and Its Tragic Consequences - Nicholas Dominic Chircop, Chircop publications, 1994 - cover
- Constantinople
- City of world’s desire 1453-1924 - Philip Mansel - John Murray books 1995 - segment - interview
- The Franks in the Aegean, 1204-1500 - Peter Lock - author. Publisher: Pearson UK - London - 1995
- The geneaology of the Whittall family of Turkey - Betty Ann McKernan - 1996
- Britons in the Ottoman Empire - Daniel Goffman - 1998 - review
- Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e İzmir Planları (From the Ottoman to Republican Periods: City Plans of Izmir) - Çınar Atay, İzmir: Yaşar Eğitim ve Kültür Vakfı, 1998. (Besides the city plans, this huge book contains a very fine article called “Izmir, at the Beginning of the 20th Century).
- From Anatolia to Indonesia: Opium Trade and the Dutch Community of Izmir, 1820-1940 - Jan Schmidt, 1998 - review
- English Merchants in Seventeenth-Century Italy - Gigliola Pagano de Divitiis, Stephen Parkin (Translator) - Cambridge University Press 1998 - google sample
- Ottoman and Persian Odysseys: James Morier, Creator of Hajji Baba of Ispahan, and His Brothers - Henry McKenzie Johnston - British Academic Press, 1998 - segment
- İngiliz Konsolosluk Raporlarına Göre İzmir Ticareti, 1864-1914 (Trade in Izmir According to the Reports of the British Consulate) İzmir: İzmir Ticaret Odası, 1998
- İzmir 1920 – Yunanistan Rehberinden İşgal Altındaki Bir Kentin Öyküsü (1920 Greek City Guide of Izmir published in Greece) - Engin Berber, ed., İzmir: Akademi Kitapevi, 1998 (Many Levantine enterprises’ names are mentioned throughout the book)
- Tanzimat’tan Cumhuriyet’e İzmir’de Belediye (Izmir Municipality – from the Reform to Republican Eras) - Erkan Serçe, İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Yayınları, 1998 (The book makes mention of the Levantines’ contribution to the formation of municipality in Izmir).
- An
Isle of Greece - The Noels of Euboea - Barbro Noel-Baker, 1999 - Procopi, Greece
- Interpreters as Diplomats: A Diplomatic History of the Role of Interpreters in World Politics - Ruth A. Roland, University Of Ottowa Press, 1999 - Google segment:
- European and Islamic Trade in the Early Ottoman State: The Merchants of Genoa and Turkey - Kate Fleet, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999
- İzmir 1950 - Bilge Umar, İstanbul: Boyut Yayın Grubu, 1999 (A personal memoir depicting among others some of the Levantine notables of the focus time.)
- The Ottoman City between East and West: Aleppo, Izmir, and Istanbul - Edhem Eldem, Daniel Goffman, and Bruce Masters. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. - sample - review - (Turkish edition: Eldem, Edhem ve diğ. Doğu ile Batı arasinda Osmanlı Kenti: Halep, İzmir ve İstanbul. Çev: Sermet Yalçın. İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 2003.)
- French Trade in Istanbul in the Eighteenth Century - Edhem Eldem - Leiden, Boston, Cologne: Brill, 1999 - google segment - review
- Değişim Sürecinde İzmir’de Sanayileşme, 19. Yüzyıl (Industrialisation in Izmir in the Period of Change - 19th Century) - Abdullah Martal, İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Yayınları, 1999
- The
Swedish Palace in Istanbul: İstanbul’da Bir İsveç
Sarayı - Sture Theolin - Yapı Kredi - 2000 - review -
- İzmir Tarihinden Kesitler (Scenes from the History of Izmir) - Mübahat Kütükoğlu, İzmir: İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Yayınları, 2000. (One of the many strengths of this book is that it provides the translated versions -into modern Turkish- of the official documents regarding the establishment of the port and quay of Izmir in the late 19th century.)
- The bank, the money lenders, the money changers, the usurers and the jewellers of Pera and Beyoğlu - Behzat Üskiden - Creative Yayıncılık ve Tanıtım Ltd. Şti, Creative publishing 2000 - segment -
- 19. Yüzyılda İzmir’de Yaşam (Life in 19th Century Izmir) - Rauf Beyru, Istanbul: Literatür Yayınları, 2000
- 19. Yüzyılın İlk Yarısında Fransız Gezginlerin Anlatımlarında İzmir (Izmir, in the Writings of French Travellers in the First Half of the 19th Century) - Olaf Yaranga, Çev: Gürhan Tümer, İzmir: İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Yayınları, 2000
- Belgium in the Ottoman Capital, From the Early Steps to ‘la Belle Epoque’: The Centenary of “Le Palais de Belgique”: 1900-2000 - Marc Van den Reeck, 2000 - segment, part 1, part 2
- Friends and Rivals in the East: Studies in Anglo-Dutch Relations in the Levant from the Seventeenth to the Early Nineteenth Century - Edited by Alastair Hamilton, Alexander H. de Groot and Maurits H. van den Boogert (eds.). pp. 258. Leiden, Brill, 2000
- İzmir 1726 - Angelica Maria Müller, Çev: Ayla Sevim Uhri, İzmir: Tepekule Kitaplığı Yayınları, 2000
- Smyrna - Metropolis of Asia Minor Greeks - Ephesus publishing - Greece 2001
- Travellers in the Levant: voyagers and visionaries - Sarah Searight and Malcolm Wagstaff and Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East - 2001
- Hacılar, Seyyahlar, Misyonerler ve İzmir: Yabancıların Gözüyle Osmanlı Döneminde İzmir, 1608-1918 (Pilgrims, Travellers and Missionaries: Ottoman Period Izmir through the Eyes of Foreigners, 1608-1918) - İlhan Pınar, İzmir: İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kent Kitaplığı, 2001
- Smyrna-İzmir: Efsaneden Gerçeğe (Smyrna-Izmir: From Legend to Reality) - Yaşar Aksoy, İzmir: İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Yayınları, 2001
- İzmir 1873 - Karl Von Scherzer, Çev: İlhan Pınar, İzmir: İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Yayınları, 2001
- Destanlar Çağından 19. Yüzyıla İzmir (Izmir, from the Epic Age to 19th Century) - from Etude sur Smyrne, Konstantinos Oikonomos ve Bonaventure F. Slaars, 1868, Çev: Bilge Umar, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2001
- Ottoman-Dutch economic relations in the early modern period 1571-1699 - Mehmet Bulut - Robus te Hilversum, 2001 - google segment
- Palais de Hollande in Istanbul: The Embassy and Envoys of the Netherlands since 1612 - Marlies Hoenkamp-Mazgon - Yapı Kredi - 2002 - review
- 21. Yüzyılın Başında İzmir: Uluslararası Sempozyum (Izmir, at the Beginning of the 21st Century – a collection of papers presented at the symposium of the same title), İzmir: İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Yayınları, 2002.
- The Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Europe - Daniel Goffman, Cambridge University Press, 2002
- Efsanelerdeki İzmir: 19. Yüzyılda İzmir İncelemeleri (Izmir in Legends: 19th Century Monographies of the City), İlhan Pınar, İzmir: İzmir Büyükşehir Kent Kitaplığı, 2002
- İzmir Ticaret Odası Tarihi, 19. Yüzyıldan 21. Yüzyıla. (A History of the Izmir Chamber of Commerce, 19th-21th Centuries) İzmir: İzmir Ticaret Odası, 2002
- The torch of the Empire: Ignatius Mouradgea d’Ohsson and the Tableau général of the Ottoman empire in the eighteenth century - Sture Theolin, Yky, 2002
- Fransız Seyahatnameleri ve Tarihin Aynasında İzmir Kolokyumu (Izmir in Light of History and French Travel Books – the Colloquium Book). İzmir: İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Yayınları, 2002
- Constantinople - City of cities - Ephesus publishing - Greece 2002
- Constantinople and the Orientalists - Semra Germaner, Zeynep Inankur - İşbank 2002
- Pera - The crossroads of Constantinople - Akylas Millas - Militos editions - Athens 2002?
- Son Levantenler - Gemi Ajentaları [The last Levantines: Shipping Agents] - Osman Öndeş, Yapı Kredi Sanat Yayıncılık, 2003
- Bornova Köşkleri, Gezginler ve Anılar [Mansions of Bornova, Travellers and Memoirs] - Hasan Arıcan, İzmir: Tepekule Kitaplığı Yayınları, 2003
- Merchant adventurers in the Levant - Two British families of privateers, consuls and traders 1700-1950 - Tom Rees, Talbot pub., 2003 - segment
- Levant’ın yıldızı: Levantenler, Rumlar, Ermeniler ve Yahudiler [The Star of the Levant: Levantines, Greeks, Armenians and Jews] - Bülent Şenocak, Şenocak Yayınları, 2003 - Green version upcoming - synopsis
- The Mediterranean in History - edited by David Abulafia - Thames and Hudson ltd., 2003 - London - segment
- Kapanan Kapılar: İzmir Hanları [Closing Doors: Historic Commercial Buidings of Izmir] - Çınar Atay, İzmir: İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kültür Yayınları, 2003
- Izmir Gezisi: Bir El Yazması 1678 [Visiting Izmir: A Manuscript 1678] - Frederick Bauden, ed., Çev: Erol Üyepazarcı. İzmir: İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kent Kitaplığı, 2003
- Merchants and Revolution: Commercial Change, Political Conflict, and London’s Overseas Traders, 1550-1653 - Robert Brenner - 2003 - review
- Smyrne
- Evocation d’une Echelle du Levant XIXe-XXe siècles - Laurence Abensur-Hazan (Collection Passé Simple, Editions ALAN SUTTON) - 2004 - France
- Mes familles - Nos mémoires de l’empire ottoman à nos jours - Guy de Lusignan - Les editions universelles - 2004
- Alexandria Real and Imagined - edited by Anthony Hirst and Michael Silk -
Ashgate, 2004
- Pancaldi - Quartier Levantin du XIXe Siecle - l Marmara - Isis yayınları, Istanbul, 2004 (also a Turkish version [Pangaltı - 19. yüzyılın Levanten semti] available, published by the council of Şişli).
- From Babel to Dragomans: Interpreting the Middle East - Bernard Lewis - Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2004 - review & interview
- Vie Latine de l’Empire Ottoman [The Latin community of the Ottoman Empire] - Livio Missir de Lusignan, Isis, Istanbul, 2004 - segment
- Familles Latines de l’Empire Ottoman - Livio Missir de Lusignan, Isis, Istanbul, 2004
- La Latinité de Constantinople. Champs du repos, rites funéraires, d’après les comptes-rendus du cimetière latin - Francois-Alphonse Belin (ed. Rinaldo Marmara), l’universite Paul-Valery, Montpellier 3, 2004
- Odette Keun (1888-1978) - Monique Reintjes - Tbilisi, 2004 - segment -
- Latin Catholic Buildings in Istanbul: A Historical Perspective (1839-1923) - Sezim Sezer Darnault. Translation: Çelen Birkan. The Isis Press, Istanbul 2004, English, 259 pages, approx. 100 b&w photos and drawings. Paperback, 30 EUR, ISBN 975-428-275-7 - info
- Levantiner. Lebenswelten und Identitäten einer ethnokonfessionellen Gruppe im osmanischen Reich im “langen 19. Jahrhundert” [Levantines. Life-worlds and identities of an ethno-confessional group in the Ottoman Empire during the “long 19th century”] - Oliver Jens Schmitt - Munich 2005. 515 pp., 65 EUR, ISBN 3-486-57713-1 - alternative review
French language version: “Les Levantins - Cahiers du Bosphore, XLVII - Les Éditions Isis, Istanbul, 2008” - review by translator, Jean François de Andria - table of contents and names index
- Smyrne et l’Occident: L’histoire intégrale d’une ville Levantine [Smyrna and the West: An intergral history of a Levantine city] - Léon Kontenté - Yvelinedition, 2005, France - segment & review
- Hanseatenkreuz und Halbmond. Die hanseatischen Konsulate in der Levante im 19. Jahrhundert [Hanseatic Cross and Crescent. The Hanseatic Consulates in the Levant in the 19th Century] - Eva Susanne Fiebig, (Marburg: Tectum, 2005. Pp. 334. € 29,90. ISBN: 978-3-8288-8923-1) - book review
- Fin de Siècle Beirut: The Making of an Ottoman Provincial Capital - Jens Hanssen, Oxford University Press, 2005
- Une société hors de soi: identités et relations sociales à Smyrne aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles [A company out of oneself, identities and social relations in Smyrna during the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries] - Marie Carmen Smyrnelis - Peeters, 2005.
- Słownik Polaków w Imperium Osmańskim i Republice Turcji [Dictionary of Poles in the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey] - Jerzy S. Łątka, pub. Księgarnia Akademicka in Kraków, 2005
- İzmir Mimarlık Rehberi 2005 [Izmir Architectural Guide 2005] - Deniz Güner, ed., İstanbul: Mimarlar Odası İzmir Subesi, 2005 (Architectural and historical explanations about many of the most prominent dwellings in the city including the Levantine-related ones).
- The Capitulations and the Ottoman Legal System - Maurits H. van den Boogert, Brill, 2005
- Kapalı Hayat Kutusu: Kadıköy Konakları [Hidden life boxes: Mansions of Kadıköy] - Müfid Ekdal, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2005
- La fin de Smyrne: Du cosmopolitisme aux nationalismes [The end of Smyrna: From cosmopolitism to nationalism], Hervé Georgelin, 2005. CNRS: Paris. ISBN: 2271063000 - review - interview - Turkish edition: Smyrna’nın Sonu: Kozmopolitizmden Milliyetçiliğe. Çev: Saadet Özen. İstanbul: Birzamanlar Yayıncılık, 2008
- Smyrne, la ville oubliée? 1830-1930 Mémoires d’un grand port
Ottoman [Smyrna, the forgotten city? Recollections from a great
Ottoman port 1830-1930] - Marie Carmen Smyrnelis - 2006, ISBN :
2746708019 - pdf info - Turkish edition: İzmir 1830-1930, Unutulmuş bir Kent mi? Çev: Işık Ergüden. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2009.
- Der Traum vom deutschen Orient. Zwei deutsche Kolonien im Osmanischen Reich 1851-1918 [The dream of the German Orient. Two German colonies in the Ottoman realm 1851-1918] - Malte Fuhrmann - Campus Verlag - 419pp. - ISBN: 3593380056 - 2006 - image
- Avrupalı mı, Levanten mi? [Europeans or Levantines?] – Editors, Arus Yumul, Fahri Dikkaya- Bağlam – 2006 – Istanbul, ISBN: 975-8803-56-5 - translated segment - review
- Franks, Muslims and Oriental Christians in the Latin Levant: Studies in Frontier Acculturation, Benjamin Z. Kedar, Routledge, 2006
- Bizans İmparatorluğu’ndan Günümüze İstanbul Latin Cemaati ve Kilisesi [The Istanbul Latin Community and its Church since the age of the Byzantine Empire to the Present] - Rinaldo Marmara - Istanbul: Kitap Publishers, 2006 - review -
- İzmir 1919-1922: Tanıklıklar [Izmir 1919-1922: Testimonies] - Pelin Böke, 2006. Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları. - review - interview
- Venetians in Constantinople; nation, identity, and coexistence in the early modern Mediterranean - Eric R. Dursteler, Johns Hopkins U. Press, 2006, 312 pages - review
- The Last Dragoman: Swedish Orientalist Johannes Kolmodin as Scholar, Activist, and Diplomat - Elisabeth Özdalga, I.B. Tauris, 2006
- Donizetti Paşa [Donizetti Pasha] - Emre Aracı, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2006, 260 pages, ISBN: 9750811534 - cover
- Looking East: English Writing and the Ottoman Empire Before 1800 - Gerald Maclean - Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 - sample 1 - sample 2 - segment
- İzmir’den İstanbul’a Batı Anadolu 1830 (Correspondance d’Orient, 1833) - J.F. Michaud and J.J.F. Poujoulat, Çev: Nedim Demirtaş, İstanbul: İstiklal Kitapevi, 2007.
- Gli italiani di Istanbul: Figure, comunità e istituzioni dalle riforme alla repubblica 1839-1923 [The Italians of Istanbul: Key figures, communities and institutions from reforms to the Republic 1839-1923] - Edited by Attilio De Gasperis and Roberta Ferrazza, Centro Altreitalie, 2007.
- The Travels and Journal of Ambrosio Bembo - University of California Press, 2007
- Multicultural Urban Fabric and Types in the South and Eastern Mediterranean - Maurice Cerasi, Attilio Petruccioli, Adriana Sarro, Stefan Weber (eds.) - Beiruter Texte und Studien (BTS) 102, 2007. 269 pages - review
- From Khartoum to Jerusalem: The Dragoman Solomon Negima and his Clients (1885–1933) - Rachel Mairs, Bloomsbury, 2007
- Paradise Lost, Smyrna 1922: The Destruction of Islam’s City of Tolerance - Giles Milton - Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., London, 2008. 426 pages - image - segment
- Tilkidom and the Ottoman Empire: The Letters of Gerald Fitzmaurice to George Lloyd, 1906-15 (The Isis Press: Istanbul, 2008)
- British Consular Reports from the Ottoman Levant in an age of upheaval, 1815-1830 - Theophilus C. Prousis, The Isis Press: Istanbul, 2008
- İskoç Misyonerin Gözüyle İzmir ve Çevresi [Izmir and its Surrounding through the Eyes of a Scottish Missionary] - A.N. Somervile, Çev: Asuman Lökçü, İzmir: Tepekule Kitaplığı Yayınları, 2008
- Kemeraltı’nın İzmir’i (Kemeraltı in Izmir) - Hasan Kâzım Taşkıran, İzmir: Tepekule Kitaplığı Yayınları, 2008
- East Meets West: Banking, Commerce and Investment in the Ottoman Empire - (Philip L. Cottrell, Monica Pohle Fraser and Iain L. Fraser, editors), Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2008, 193 pp., ISBN: 978-0-7546-6443-7 - review
- Three Camels to Smyrna: Times of War and Peace in Turkey, Persia, India, Afghanistan & Nepal 1907-1986, The Story of the Oriental Carpet Manufacturers Company - Antony Wynn - 288 pages, 2008 - segment - Turkish edition ‘İzmir Yolunda Üç Deve’, İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi, İzmir Kent Kitaplığı Yayınları, 2024 - cover:
- Les Italiens d’Istanbul au XXe Siecle: Entre Préservation Identitaire et Effacement [The Italians of Istanbul in the 20th Century: Between Community Preservation and Elimination] - Alessandro E. Pannuti, Isis, 2008
- Nassif Mallouf - Dragoman and Orientalist - (1823-1865) - Charles Malouf Samaha, 2009 - index - summary.
- Pashas: Traders and Travellers in the Islamic World - James Mather, 2009, Yale University Press, ISBN: 0300126395 - segment - video segment of a talk
- Interpreting Dragomans: Boundaries and Crossings in the Early Modern Mediterranean - E. Natalie Rothman, Comparative Studies in Society and History 51.4, 2009
- The Netherlands and Turkey: Four hundred years of political, economical, social and cultural relations - Alexander H. De Groot - Isis, Istanbul, 2009
- A Life Apart: The fate of an outsider - Patrick Grigsby, 2009, Pen Press, ISBN: 9781907172465. - former web site - photo gallery - book synopsis - review
- A Century of Deutsche Bank in Turkey - Historical Association of Deutsche Bank, 2009
- Evvel Zaman İçinde İzmir [Once Upon a Time Izmir] - Uğur Yeğin, ed., Türkçe-İngilizce fotoğraf-altı yazılarla Uğur Göktaş’ın koleksiyonundan fotoğraflar (The photo collection by Uğur Göktaş supported with texts written in both English and Turkish), İstanbul: İzmir Ticaret Odası Yayınları, 2009
- The British Consular Service in the Aegean and the Collection of Antiquities for the British Museum - Lucia Patrizio Gunning, Ashgate, 2009
- Bornova Tarihinden Yapraklar [Pages from the History of Bornova] - Hasan Arıcan, İzmir: Tepekule Kitaplığı Yayınları, 2009
- British Diplomacy in Turkey, 1583 to the present: A study in the evolution of the resident embassy - G.R. Berridge, University of Leicester - Brill, 2009
- Levant: Splendour and Catastrophe on the Mediterranean - 2010, Philip Mansel (publisher: John Murray) - details & interview - review
- Asil Efendiler - Levantenler [Levantines: The honoured gentlemen] - Osman Öndeş, Şenocak Yayınları, 384 pages, 2010, ISBN No: 9786055615130
- Naum Tiyatrosu & 19. Yüzyil İstanbul’un İtalyan Operası’ [Naum Theatre & the Italian Opera of Istanbul in the 19th century] - Emre Aracı, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 408 pages, 2010, ISBN No: 9786055615130.
- Cities of the Mediterranean: From the Ottomans to the Present Day - Biray Kolluoğlu and Meltem Toksöz, 256 pages, 2010, ISBN: 9789750818011 - review
- Sweet and Bitter Island: A History of the British in Cyprus - Tabitha Morgan, I.B. Tauris, 2010
- Aleppo observed: Ottoman Syria through the eyes of two Scottish doctors, Alexander and Patrick Russell - Maurits H. van den Boogert, Arcadian Library-Oxford University Press, 2010
- The British in the Levant: Trade and Perceptions of the Ottoman Empire in the Eighteenth Century - Christine Laidlaw, 2010, I.B. Taurus, London - ISBN: 9781848853355 - review
- The Political Economy of Ottoman Public Dept: Insolvency and European Financial Control in the Late Nineteenth Century - Murat Birdal, I.B. Taurus, London, 2010 - ISBN: 9781848852983 - segment
- Twixt Pera and Therapia: The Constantinople Diaries of Lady Layard - Edited by Sinan Kuneralp, Isis, Istanbul, 2010 - segment - fuller version - review
- Among the Ottomans: Diaries from Turkey in World War I - editor Ian Lyster, I.B. Tauris, 2010
- Osmanlı’nın Avrupalı Müzisyenleri [European Musicians in the Ottoman Empire] - Evren Kutlay Baydar, Kapı Yayınları, 2010 - info
- Rees Köşkü: Levanten Malikânesinden Eğitim Fakültesine (The Rees Mansion: From the Levantine Mansion to the Faculty of Education) - Mehmet Ali Demirbaş, İzmir: İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kent Kitaplığı, 2010
- Catholic Pirates and Greek Merchants: A Maritime History of the Early Modern Mediterranean - Molly Greene, Princeton University Press, 2010
- Levantines from the Past to the Present (the book following the 2010 Izmir Levantine Symposium) - Culture, Art and History Publications no:12, Izmir, 2010 - sample
- Alsancak 1482 Sokak Anıları - Alex Baltazzi, Heyamola, 2011, ISBN: 978-605-4307-91-3 - interview
- 19. Yüzyılda İzmir Kenti (The City of Izmir in the 19th Century) - Rauf Beyru, Istanbul: Literatür Yayınları, 2011
- Traditional Recipes of the Levantine Cuisine (Turkish version also available) - Ingrid Braggiotti, Aude Ragusin, Lotte Romano, Maria Sponza, Izmir, 2011
- Foreign Investment in the Ottoman Empire: International Trade and Relations 1854-1914 - V. Necla Geyikdagi, I.B. Tauris, 2011
- Secret Cultural Gems of Izmir (multi-lingual book: Turkish, English, German, Italian) - Konak Municipality, 2011 - segment
- Constantinople and Istanbul: 72 years of life in Turkey - Sidney E. P. Nowill OBE - Matador, (ISBN no: 978-1848767-911) 2011 - google segment
- Ottoman Izmir: The Rise of a Cosmopolitan Port 1840-1880 - Sibel Zandi-Sayek - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2012 - details.
- Türkiye ile Vatikan diplomatik ilişkilere doğru [Towards diplomatic relations between Turkey and the Vatican] - Rinaldo Marmara, 2012 - cover
- Constantinople to Kensington: The Reminiscences of Geoffrey William Whittall 1906-2003, Edited by John W. Whittall - 2012 - flyer - google segment
- Smyrna’s Ashes: Humanitarianism, Genocide and the Birth of the Middle East - Michelle Tusan, University of Nevada, 2012
- Developing Commerce, Changing City: Mersin, 1850-1950 - Tolga Ünlu, Tülin Selvi Ünlü - Mersin Chamber of Commerce and Industry - 2012
- Ottoman and Dutch Merchants in the Eighteenth Century: Competition and Cooperation in Ankara, Izmir, and Amsterdam - Ismail Hakkı Kadı, Brill, 2012
- Modalı Vitol Ailesi [The Whittalls of Moda] - Osman Öndeş, Tarihçi Kitabevi, 2012
- Nineteenth Century British Travel Writing on the Levant: Izmir as the Oriental Other in British Travel Writing Tradition - Orkun Kocabıyık, 2012
- Post-Cosmopolitan Cities: Explorations of Urban Coexistence - Edited by Caroline Humphrey and Vera Skvirskaja, Berghahn Books, 2012
- Présence française à Smyrne du XVIIe au XIXe siècle - Léon Kontente - Yvelinédition, Montigny-le-Bretonneux (Yvelines) - 2012
- A Lexicon Of Smyrneika - İzmir Rumcasi Sözlüğü - Alex Baltazzi, George Galdies, George Poulimenos - Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları / Araştırma - İnceleme Dizisi - 2012 - cover - review1 - review2 - interview - video - buy from Idefix | Amazon
- La Communauté Levantine de Constantinople: De L’Empire Byzantin à la République Turquie - Rinaldo Marmara - Isis, Istanbul, 2012
- Les Relations Diplomatiques de la France et de la Turquie au XVIIIe Siecle, Volume I (1700-1716) - Louis Rousseau, 2012 (digital reprint by Lightning Source UK Ltd of 1908 version)
- Maudy of the Levant - Helen Leggatt, 2012
- Krommydokastro [In search of the lost castle of Smyrni] - Petros Mechtidis, 2012 - info
- Değisen Zamanların Mimari - The Architect of Changing Times: Edoardo De Nari 1874 - 1954 - M. Baha Tanman, İstanbul Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, 2012 - cover
- Se Beyoglu Mi Fosse Narrato (Turkish version Pera, Beyoğlu ve Anılar, 2014) - Fortunato Maresia, 2012 - interview
- İzmir Rumlarının Müziği 1900-1922 [The Music of Smyrna Greeks 1900-1922] - Aristomenis Kaliviotis, 2013 - review
- Osmanlı Deniz Ticaretin Yükselen Değeri: Mersin [The Rise of the Ottoman Port: Mersin] (1812-1922) - Editor: Mehmet Mazak, 2013 - book cover
- The Renaissance and the Ottoman World - Anna Contadini, Claire Norton, Ashgate, 2013 - segment:
- An Archive of Stone - The Old English Cemetery of Livorno - Matteo Giunti and Giacomo Lorenzini (eds.), Pacini Editore, 2013 - info -
- Vapur Donatanları Ve Acenteleri Tarihi [History of Ship Chandlers and Shipping Agents] - Deniz Ticaret Odası, Osman Öndeş, 2013
- Robertson: Photographer and engraver in the Ottoman capital - Bahattin Öztuncay, Vehbi Koç Foundation, 2013
- Cities, Citadels, and Sights of the Near East: Francis Bedford’s Nineteenth-Century Photographs Of Egypt, The Levant, And Constantinople, Sophie Gordon - The American University in Cairo Press, 2013
- The Whispers of Cities: Information Flows in Istanbul, London & Paris in the Age of William Trumbull - John-Paul Ghobrial, Oxford University Press, 2013 - ISBN 978-0-19-967241-7 - cover
- Le crepuscule des Levantins de Smyrne - Louis Francois Martini, Editions L’Harmatta, 2013 - cover
- İzmir’de Alman İzleri: Osmanlı döneminde İzmir’de bir cemaat, [Traces of Germans in Izmir: An Ottoman period community in Izmir] 1752-1922 - İlhan Pınar (İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kent Kitaplığı, 91), 2014
- Turquerie: An Eighteenth-Century European Fantasy - Haydn Williams, Thames & Hudson, 2014
- Exporting Legality: The Rise and Fall of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in the Ottoman Empire and China - Mariya Tait Slys, 2014
- Well-Connected Domains: Towards an Entangled Ottoman History - Pascal W. Firges, Heidelberg University, Tobias P. Graf, independent scholar, Christian Roth, Heidelberg University, and Gülay Tulasoğlu, Hacettepe University, Ankara - Leiden: Brill, 2014 - review
- İngiliz Konsolosluk Belgelerinde Mersin ve İskenderun Limanları [Mersin and Iskenderun ports as recorded in the British Consular reports, 1888-1914] - Osman Öndeş, Mersin Deniz Ticaret Odası Yayınları, 2014 - cover
- Trading with the Ottomans: The Levant Company in the Middle East - Despina Vlami - I.B. Tauris, 2014 - cover
- Shattered Dreams: The Murder of the two Consuls in Salonica and the Aftermath - Bülent Şenocak, 2014
- Damas a la Fin de l’Empire Ottoman (vers 1875) - Grégoire Balivet, Isis Press, 2014
- Histoire des Jésuites à Smyrne, 1623-1778 - Rinaldo Marmara, 2014
- Osmanlı Melekleri: Futbol Tarihimizin Kadim Devreleri Türkiye Futbol Tarihi - Birinci Cilt [Ottoman Angels: Volume of Turkish Football History] - Mehmet Yüce, İletişim Yayınları, 2014
- Arap Camii veya Galata Saint Paul Kilisesi [Arab Mosque or the St Paul Church of Galata] - P. Benedetto Palazzo O.P.
[Turkish translation version, after the French / Italian versions 1943], Bilge Karınca Yayınları, 2014
- Exporting Legality: The Rise and Fall of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in the Ottoman Empire and China, Mariya Tait Slys - eCahiers de l’Institut, 2014
- The English Secretary: Peggy Flexman in Turkey and Greece, 1909-1917 - Lyndon Comstock, 2014 - segment
- Österreich in Istanbul [Austrians in Istanbul] - volume 1, 2010 (who was who segment - English abstract - editors’ note), volume 2, 2017 - Rudolf Agstner, Elmar Samsinger (editors), LIT Verlag.
- The Diary of Émile de Borchgrave: Recollections of a Belgian Diplomat in Ottoman Istanbul (1885-1892), ISIS Press, 2015
- Boundary Letters: Ottoman Officials to Luigi Fernando Marsili (1699-1701) - Mehmet Demiryürek, Güner Doğan, Birleşik Yayınlar, 2015 - segment
- Agents of Empire: Knights, Corsairs, Jesuits and Spies in the Sixteenth-Century Mediterranean World - Noel Malcolm, Allen Lane, 2015
- Brokering Empire: Trans-Imperial Subjects between Venice and Istanbul - E. Natalie Rothman, Cornell University Press, 2015
- The Istanbul Letters of Alka Nestoroff - Klara Volaric (ed.) - Orient-Institut, Istanbul, 2015 (Volume 1 of Memoria) - segment
- Osmanlı Sularında Rekabet: Mesajeri Maritim Vapur Kumpanyası (1851-1914) / En Méditerranée par les Messageries Maritimes [Competition in Ottoman Waters: Messageries Maritimes Shipping Company (1851-1914)] - Süleyman Uygun, Kitap Yayınevi, 2015
- Smyrna, September 1922 - Lou Ureneck, Harper Collins, 2015
- Traces of Transnational Relations in the Eighteenth Century - Edited by Tim Berndtsson, Annie Mattsson, Mathias Persson, Vera Sundin and Marie-Christine Skuncke, Uppsala Studies in History of Ideas, 2015
- A Beirut Anthology: Travel Writing Through the Centuries, Edited By T.J. Gorton - The American University in Cairo Press, 2015
- Mediterranean Diasporas: Politics and Ideas in the Long 19th Century - Editors: Maurizio Isabella, Konstantina Zanou, Bloomsbury, 2015
- La Rassegna Italiana Organo degli Interessi Italiani in Oriente. Giornale Ufficiale della Camera di Commercio Italiana di Costantinopoli [La Rassegna Italiana, the publication of the Italian interests in the Levant, the official newspaper of the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Constantinople] - Francesco Pongiluppi - Isis Press, Istanbul, 2015
- Süreç ve Sonuçlarıyla Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Yabancıların Mülk Edinmeleri [The process and consequences of foreigners acquiring real-estate in the Ottoman Empire] (1830-1914) - Murat Alandağlı, Helke Yayınları, 2015
- Istanbul Exchanges: Ottomans, Orientalists, and Nineteenth-Century Visual Culture - Mary Roberts, University of California Press, 2015
- Documents pour l’histoire de Smyrne (1934-1939), Volume 1 - Rinaldo Marmara, Arkas, 2016 - cover
- Post-Ottoman Coexistence: Sharing Space in the Shadow of Conflict - Edited by Rebecca Bryant, Berghahn Books, 2016
- Entangled Education: Foreign, National, and Local schools in Ottoman Syria and Mandate Lebanon (19–20th Centuries) - Julia Hauser, Christine B. Lindner, and Esther Möller, eds. - Ergon-Verlag GmbH, 2016 - introduction - review:
- Aleppo: The Rise and Fall of Syria’s Great Merchant City - Philip Mansel, Bloomsbury, - cover
- This Orient Isle: Elizabethan England and the Islamic World - Jerry Brotton, Allen Lane, 2016
- Essais sur L’Histoire de la Latinité à Istanbul [Essays on the History of Latinity in Istanbul] - Antoine J. Negroponte, Rıfat N. Bali (ed.), Libra Yayınevi, Istanbul, 2016 - cover
- Une Ambassadrice de France à Constantinople Les Souvenirs de Gabrielle Blignières-Bombard 1909-1914 [An Ambassador of France in Constantinople the recollections of Gabrielle Blignières Bombard-1909-1914] - Isis Press, 2016
- Les Levantins de Smyrne XIXe siècle: Environment communautaire et religieux [The Levantines of Smyrna in the nineteenth century: Communal and Religious Environment] - Rinaldo Marmara, Arkas, 2016
- Souvenirs d’un Journaliste: Izmir il y a 60 Ans - Alfredo Giovanni Galizzi - Libra, 2016
- The Singing Turk: Ottoman Power and Operatic Emotions on the European Stage from the Siege of Vienna to the Age of Napoleon, Larry Wolff - Stanford University Press, 2016
- The History of the Church Diplomacy in Turkey - Buğra Poyraz, Libra, 2016 - cover
- Xenocracy: State, Class, and Colonialism in the Ionian Islands, 1815-1864 - Sakis Gerkas, Berghahn, 2016
- Sultan Abdülmecid’in Bir Mimarı, William James Smith: Architecht of Sultan Abdülmecid - Afife Batur, Edhem Eldem, Aygül Ağır, Gül Cephanecigil, Mine Topçubaşı Çilingiroğlu, Seda Kula Say, Ayşe Hilal Uğurlu, İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi, 2016 - info:
- Mediterranean Encounters: Artists Between Europe and the Ottoman Empire, 1774–1839 - Elisabeth A. Fraser, Penn State University Press, 2017
- De l’utilité commerciale des consuls. L’institution consulaire et les marchands dans le monde méditerranéen (XVIIe-XXe siècle) - Arnaud Bartolomei (ed), Publications de l’École française de Rome, 2017
- Lost and Now Found: Explorers, Diplomats and Artists in Egypt and the Near East - edited by Neil Cooke and Vanessa Daubney, Archaeopress, 2017
- The Middle East and the Making of the Modern World - Cyrus Schayegh, Harvard University Press, 2017
- Germany and the Ottoman Railways: Art, Empire, and Infrastructure - Peter H. Christensen, Yale University Press, 2017
- Costa Gaziadi et Les Mémoires de 50 Ans d’un Journaliste d’Istanbul (1905-1955) - Rıfat N. Bali, Libra, 2017
- Kent, Toplum, Mekân İlişkileri Çerçevesinde Paterson Köşkü [The Paterson House within the framework of city, community and environmental relations] - Hümeyra Birol Akkurt, Apikam, 2017
- Accidental Orientalists: Modern Italian Travelers in Ottoman Lands - Barbara Spackman, 2017
- Piracy and Law in the Ottoman Mediterranean - Joshua M. White, Stanford University Press, 2017
- Venezia e il Levante: Palazzo del Bailo a Constantinopoli, La Posta XIV-XVIII secolo / Venice and the Levant: Bailo Palace Constantinople, The Mail XIV-XVIII century - Franco Rigo, 2017
- Italian Architects and Builders in the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey: Design across Borders - editors: Paolo Girardelli, Ezio Godoli, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017
- Identifying with Nationality: Europeans, Ottomans, and Egyptians in Alexandria - Will Hanley, Columbia University Press, 2017
- French Revolutionaries in the Ottoman Empire: Diplomacy, Political Culture, and the Limiting of Universal Revolution, 1792-1798 - Pascal Firges, Oxford University Press, 2017
- The Late Ottoman Empire and Egypt: Hybridity, Law and Gender - Elizabeth H. Shlala, Routledge, 2018
- Mediterranean Encounters: Trade and Pluralism in Early Modern Galata - Fariba Zarinebaf, University of California Press, 2018
- The Republic of Arabic Letters: Islam and the European Enlightenment - Alexander Bevilacqua, Harvard University Press, 2018
- The Scottish Enlightenment Abroad: The Russells of Braidshaw in Aleppo and on the Coast of Coromandel - Janet Starkey, Brill, 2018
- Documents pour l’histoire de l’Église Géorgienne, Turquie 1895-1934 - Rinaldo Marmara, 2018
- Smyrne en ce Temps-la… Mémoires - Gilbert d’Andria, Libra, 2018
- Diaspora of the City: Stories of Cosmopolitanism from Istanbul and Athens - İlay Romain Örs, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
- Orientalist Lives: Western Artists in the Middle East, 1830–1920 - James Parry, The American University in Cairo Press, 2018
- The Warm South: How the Mediterranean Shaped the British Imagination - Robert Holland, Yale University Press, 2018
- Les Français du Levant dans la Tourmente de la Revolution (1789-1814) - Les Echelles de la Mer Egee - Léon Kontente, Libra kitap, 2018
- Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840-1940: Opening New Archives, Revisiting a Global City - Angelos Dalachanis & Vincent Lemire, Brill, 2018
- The Istanbul Memories in Salomea Pilsztynowa’s Diary “Echo of the Journey and Adventures of My Life” (1760) - Paulina Dominik, Menadoc, 2018
- Istanbul - Kushta - Constantinople: Narratives of Identity in the Ottoman Capital, 1830-1930 - Edited by Christoph Herzog, Richard Wittmann, Routledge, 2018
- Le Journal d’Orient Gazetesi ve İstanbullu Azınlıkların ve Levantenlerin Cemiyet Hayatı [Le Journal d’Orient newspaper and the minorities of Istanbul and the social circle of Levantines] (1950-1971) - Rıfat N. Bali, Libra kitap, 2018
- Η Προκυμαία της Σμύρνης: Ανιχνεύοντας ένα σύμβολο προόδου και μεγαλείου [The Waterfront of Smyrna: Tracing a symbol of progress and splendour] - George Poulimenos & Achilleas Chatziconstantinou, Kapon Editions, 2018 (info in English)
- The Middle East from Empire to Sealed Identities - Lorenzo Kamel, Edinburgh University Press, 2019
- French Encounters with the Ottomans, 1510-1560 - Pascale Barthe, Routledge, 2019
- The Greeks and the British in the Levant, 1800-1960s: Between Empires and Nations, edited by Anastasia Yiangou, George Kazamias, Robert Holland - Routledge, 2019
- The Mercantile Effect: Art and Exchange in the Islamicate World during the 17th and 18th Centuries, edited by Sussan Babaie and Melanie Gibson - Gingko, 2019
- Alep, la maison Ghazalé - Jean-Claude David, François Cristofoli, Editions Parenthèses, 2019
- Enlightening Europe on Islam and the Ottomans: Mouradgea d’Ohsson and His Masterpiece - Carter Vaughn Findley, Brill, 2019
- L’Église Saint-Polycarpe: Paroisse française de Smyrne - Rinaldo Marmara, 2019
- Archives d’Orient: Les notables alexandrins, des héritiers sans héritage (1882-1985) - Dominique Gogny, 2019 - review:
- Osmanlı Modernleşmesinde Yabancılar - Leh ve Macar Mültecileri [Foreigners in Ottoman Modernisation: Polish and Hungarian Refugees], Musa Gümüş - Libra kitap, 2019
- I Am Ic: A School’s Journey from Smyrna to Beirut, Reem Haddad - Librairie Antoine S.A.L, 2019
- Osmanlı Maliyesi ve Baltazziler [Ottoman Finance and the Baltazzis], Nursel Manav - Libra kitap, 2019
- Smyrne dans la guerre: Novembre 1914 - 8 Septembre 1922, Herve Georgelin - Hêrodoros, 2019 - cover:
- Osmanlı Kıyılarındaki Batı: Avusturya Lloyd Buharlı Kumpanyası [The West on Ottoman shores: Austrian Lloyd Steamship company] - M. Emre Kılıçaslan, Libra kitap, 2019
- Useful Enemies: Islam and the Ottoman Empire in Western Political Thought, 1450-1750 - Noel Malcolm, Oxford University Press, 2019
- Un empire informel en Méditerranée: Les consuls de France en Grèce et dans l’Empire ottoman: images, ingérences, colonisation (1815-1856) - Alexandre Massé (Auteur), Pierre-Yves Beaurepaire (Direction), Classiques Garnier, 2019
- Coffee, Coffeehouses and Cultural Life in the Late 17th Century Ottoman Istanbul - Merve Tosun, Libra kitap, 2019
- Eastern Mediterranean Port Cities: A Study of Mersin, Turkey: From Antiquity to Modernity - Editors: Filiz Yenişehirlioğlu, Eyüp Özveren, Tülin Selvi Ünlü - Springer, 2019
- Imperial Bodies: Empire and Death in Alexandria, Egypt - Shana Minkin, Stanford University Press, 2019
- Cornelius Loos in the Ottoman world: Drawings for the king of Sweden 1710-1711 - Karin Ådahl, ab, 2019
- “Ottoman Athens: Archaeology, Topography, History” edited by Maria Georgopoulou and Konstantinos Thanasakis - Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, 2019
- Briser le mur de la solitude: Lettres de Ghita (Malgorzata) adressée à Amedee Girardi (1942-1963), Familles Marcopoli-Giustiniani, A. Girardi, Poche, A. Makzume et Raad - Erol Makzume, Md Yayın Evi, 2020
- Osmanlı Dönemi İzmir Planları ve Haritaları [Ottoman period Smyrna plans and maps] – İlhan Pınar, İzmir Kalkınma Ajansı Kültür Yayınları, 2020
- Manzaram İzmir [Izmir Views] – Ömer Durmaz, İzmir Kalkınma Ajansı Kültür Yayınları, 2020
- Les Français à Constantinople de François Ier à Bonaparte – Anne Mézin, Catherine Vigne, éditions Geuthner, 2020
- İzmir’de Ticaret Hayatı ve Çarşılar [Bazaars and trade life in Izmir] (1850-1930) - Yaşar Ürük, Ege Sanayicileri ve İşinsanları Derneği (ESİAD), 2020
- Yabancı Kaynaklardan Kordoelontos’tan Karşıyaka’ya [From Kordoelontos to Karşıyaka based on foreign sources] - Tufan Atakişi, Atadost Matbaacılık ve Yayıncılık A.Ş., 2020
- İstanbul’un Yabancı ve Levanten Mimarları [Foreign and Levantine architects of Istanbul] - Cengiz Can, Arketon Yayıncılık, 2020
- Lorandolar ve Tubiniler: Osmanlı Devleti’nde Levanten Banker Aileler ve Faaliyetleri [Lorandos and Tubinis: Levantine bankers and their activities within the Ottoman state] - Semih Sefer, Albaraka Yayınları, 2020
- Cyprus from Colonialism to the Present: Visions and Realities, Essays in Honour of Robert Holland - Edited By Anastasia Yiangou, Antigone Heraclidou, Routledge, 2020
- From Nazareth to Melbourne, Australia: My Life Stories - Vincent Laurence, 2020
- Thomas Sandwith a British Consul in the Levant, 1855-1891 - Stephen Boys Smith, Isis Press, 2020
- Anglophone Press in Constantinople: The Levant Herald & Eastern Express (1859-1878) - Burhan Çağlar, Libra Kitap, 2020
- La Turquie de mon temps: Articles & Essais - Gilbert D’Andria, Libra Kitap, 2020
- 59 Numaralı Ev - İzmirli Bir Levanten’in Anıları [House no 59 - Memories of a Levantine from Izmir] - Gilbert D’Andria, Heyamola Yayınları, 2020
- Cultures and Practices of Coexistence from the Thirteenth Through the Seventeenth Centuries: Multi-Ethnic Cities in the Mediterranean World, Volume 1 - Edited By Marco Folin, Antonio Musarra, Routledge, 2020
- Stealing from the Saracens: How Islamic Architecture Shaped Europe - Diana Darke, Hurst, 2020
- Port Cities of the Eastern Mediterranean: Urban Culture in the Late Ottoman Empire - Malte Fuhrmann, Cambridge University Press, 2020
- Americans at War in the Ottoman Empire: US Mercenary Force in the Middle East - Eric Covey, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020
- Venetian and Ottoman Heritage in the Aegean: The Bailo House in Chalcis, Greece - Edited by Nikos Kontogiannis & Stefania Skartsis, Brepols, 2020
- Henrietta Liston’s Travels: The Turkish Journals, 1812-1820 - Edited by Patrick Hart, Valerie Kennedy, Dora Petherbridge, Edinburgh University Press, 2020
- Mary Mills Patrick’s Cosmopolitan Mission and the Constantinople Woman’s College - Carolyn McCue Goffman, Rowman & Littlefield, 2021
- Midnight in Cairo: The Divas of Egypt’s Roaring ’20s - Raphael Cormack, W. W. Norton & Company, 2021
- Sınırlar Üzerinde Bir Hayat: İtalyan General Kont Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli ve Osmanlı İmparatorluğu (1679-1732) - Güner Doğan, İtalya Dostluk Derneği Yayınları, 2021
- Diplomatic Cultures at the Ottoman Court, c.1500–1630 - Tracey A. Sowerby, Christopher Markiewicz, Routledge, 2021
- Narrated Empires: Perceptions of Late Habsburg and Ottoman Multinationalism - eds Johanna Chovanec, Olof Heilo, Palgrave Macmilan, 2021
- Chios dicta in Aegeo sita mari: Historical Archaeology and Heraldry on Chios - Ioanna N. Koukouni, Archaeopress, 2021
- Tussen Constantinopel en Holland: Het Dragomannen en Diplomatengeslacht Testa [Between Constantinopel And Holland: The Dragoman and Diplomat Family of Testa] - Hans Krol & Mehmet Tütüncü, 2021
- Dangerous Gifts: Imperialism, Security, and Civil Wars in the Levant, 1798-1864 - Ozan Ozavci, Oxford University Press, 2021
- Britain’s Levantine Empire, 1914-1923 - Daniel-Joseph MacArthur-Seal, Oxford University Press, 2021
- French Women Orientalist Artists, 1861–1956: Cross-Cultural Contacts and Depictions of Difference - Mary Kelly, Routledge, 2021
- Les Tramways Belges Dans L’empire Ottoman - Roland Dussart-Desart, Tramania, 2021
- Croatian Levantines in Ottoman Istanbul - Vjeran Kursar, Isis Press, 2021
- Lives Between the Lines: A Journey in Search of the Lost Levant - Michael Vatikiotis, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2021
- On the Nile in the Golden Age of Travel - Andrew Humphreys, The American University in Cairo Press, 2021
- The Greek Revolution: 1821 and the Making of Modern Europe - Mark Mazower, Allen Lane, 2021
- A Liminal Church: Refugees, Conversions and the Latin Diocese of Jerusalem, 1946–1956 - Maria Chiara Rioli, Brill, 2021
- A Companion to Early Modern Istanbul - Editors: Shirine Hamadeh & Çiğdem Kafescioğlu, Brill, 2021
- Maadi: The Making And Unmaking Of A Cairo Suburb, 1878–1962 - Annalise J.K. DeVries, The American University in Cairo Press, 2021
- Among Others, the Maltese in Egypt: Life, Crime and Death (1860s-1923) - Michael Refalo, Kite, 2021
- The Dragoman Renaissance: Diplomatic Interpreters and the Routes of Orientalism, E. Natalie Rothman - Cornell University Press, 2021
- The Caravan Bridge: The point where trade began in Izmir, Erkan Serçe, İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2021
- Santa Maria Draperis; Beyoğlu’nda 400 Yıllık Bir Katolik Mabedi [Santa Maria Draperis; A 400-Year-Old Catholic Shrine in Beyoğlu], Sedat Bornovalı, Sezayi Balcı, Yeditepe Yayınevi, 2021
- Promised Lands: The British and the Ottoman Middle East, Jonathan Parry - Princeton University Press, 2022
- Une famille Française dans L’Empire Ottoman, Albert Chartier - Honoré Champion, 2022
- The Sultan’s Italian Court Painter Fausto Zonaro, Erol Makzume - Edizioni Polistampa, 2022
- Antenati a Costantinopoli. Esuli italiani negli anni del riformismo ottomano 1828-1878 [Ancestors in Constantinople. Italian exiles in the years of Ottoman reformism 1828-1878], Luis Miguel Selvelli - Il Poligrafo, 2022 - English summary:
- Latin Catholicism in Ottoman Istanbul: Properties, People & Missions, Edited by Vanessa R. de Obaldía and Claudio Monge, Isis press, 2022
- Smyrna on my Mind: ‘Izmir’, George Galdies - self published, 2022 - segment:
- Gilberto Primi – Bir Levanten Gazetecinin Hayat Hikâyesi ve Türkçe Yazıları, Rıfat N. Bali, Libra Kitap, 2022
- Memoires de Smyrne et Bournova Nostalgie d’un Francais et d’un Grec smyrniotes, Jean-Baptiste Muret - Centre for Asia Minor Studies, 2022
- Rereading Travellers to the East: Shaping Identities and Building the Nation in Post-unification Italy, Edited by: Beatrice Falcucci, Emanuele Giusti, Davide Trentacoste - Firenze University Press, 2022
- Levantine Architectural Heritage in Mersin: Traditional Houses, Commercial Buildings and Churches - Nur Umar & Tuğçe Darendeli, Eliva Press, 2022
- Narrating the Dragoman’s Self in the Veneto-Ottoman Balkans, c. 1550–1650 - Stefan Hanß, Routledge, 2023
- Traversées méditerranéennes: Jeux d’espace et mobilités au xixe siècle - Marie-Carmen Smyrnelis, Classiques Garnier, 2023
- Palais de Suède – From Ottoman Constantinople to Modern Istanbul - Frederick Whitling, The Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 2023
- Anneden Kızına, M. Pagy & W. Arcas - Arkas, 2023
- Imperial Cities in the Tsarist, the Habsburg, and the Ottoman Empires, Ulrich Hofmeister, Florian Riedler - Routledge, 2023
- Portraits of Empires: Habsburg Albums from the German House in Ottoman Constantinople, Robyn Dora Radway - Indiana University Press, 2023
- Smyrne la cité des mensonges, Alexandre Massé - Edition Ginkgo, 2023
- Aile Arşivinden Sébah & Joaillier Fotoğrafhanesi – The Sébah & Joaillier Photography Studio From The Family Archive, Fabrizio Casaretto - Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2024
- From Crete to London: An example of a bottom-up exercise of British power in the 19th century Ottoman Empire, Iosif P. Maravelakis - Harrassowitz Verlag Publishers, 2024
- Levantines of the Ottoman World: Communities, Identities, and Cultures, Editors: Erik Blackthorne-O’Barr & Burhan Çağlar - İbn Haldun Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2024 - flyer: - contents:
- The history of the British in Alexandria, Dr Carole Escoffey, The Alexandria and Mediterrenean Research Centre, 2024
- Les Levantines: Communauté méconnue de l’Empire ottoman des origines à nos jours, Rinaldo Marmara, MD Basım, 2024 - info:
- Migration at the End of Empire: Time and the Politics of Departure Between Italy and Egypt, Joseph John Viscomi, Cambridge University Press, 2024
- Geç Osmanlı Mimarlığında Alexandre Vallaury ve Eklektizm [Alexandre Vallaury and Eclecticism in Late Ottoman Architecture], Seda Kula - İBB Kütüphane ve Müzeler Müdürlüğü, 2024
- A Biography of the Consuls at Çanakkale and Gelibolu from 1614 to 1968, Graham H. Lee - Ceren Yayıncılık, 2024
- Les procès-verbaux du Cimetière Latin Catholique de Feriköy à Istanbul (1861-1908), Rinaldo Marmara, Isis Press, 2024
- The memoir of a missionary diplomat Dr. Washburn’s personal recollections, 1856–1900, ed. Brandon D. Johnson, Isis Press, 2024
- The Long 1890s in Egypt: Colonial Quiescence, Subterranean Resistance, ed. Marilyn Booth, Anthony Gorman, Edinburgh University Press, 2024
- Οι πρόξενοι στα 25 προξενεία στη Θεσσαλονίκη 1685-1912 [The consuls in the 25 consulates in Thessaloniki 1685-1912], Giannis Megas, Kapon Editions, 2024
- Dominique Valéry et L’Information D’Orient, Rıfat N. Bali, Libra Kitap, 2025
- Constantinople occupée 1918-1923:
Une histoire culturelle, Frédéric Hitzel, Timour Muhidine, CNRS Editions, 2025
- The Island of the Pope: Catholics in the Aegean Archipelago between Empire and Nation-State, 1770-1830, Dimitris Kousouris, Berghahn, 2025