The story of Maltese
The diaries of Gertrude Bell, who paid 3 visits to Smyrna meeting with the Levantines.
and beyond, families and stories
The Jews of Smyrna - research article / Sépharades du Levant
The diary of Samuel Medley, butler to the Earl of Kinnoull, British ambassador to Constantinople, covering the dates 16 October, 1733 to 9 November, 1736
Ambassador Morgenthau’s story, memoirs of the American ambassador in Istanbul between 1913-16.
Travelogues: Travellers’ Views
Travels in the 19th-Century Ottoman Empire: A Digital History Research Project
Ottoman Diplomats: Letters from the Imperial Legation in Brussels (1849–1914)
Plan d’Assurance de Constantinople - Charles E. Goad maps of the city
Istanbul urban database
Revue des études byzantines
George Poulimenos
Mikrasiatika Chronika Index vol. 1-24 (in excel) - Achilleas Chatziconstantinou Cairo’s Recollections - Samir Raafat
The British Cemetery Haydarpasha Istanbul - Edwin La Fontaine
Italian consular archives (1815-1860) - Costanza Lisi
Dragomans’ career change: change of status in some families connected with the British and Dutch embassies at Istanbul 1785-1829 – Alexander H. de Groot – Department of Turkish studies University of Leiden, Holland
Galata and Pera 1: A Short History, Urban Development Architecture and Today - Afife Batur
Cyrus Hamlin and the Founding of Robert College
Concept of Westernisation and the role of foreign architects in 19th century Ottoman architecture – Ayşe Nasir
Ottoman official attitudes towards American missionaries - Çağrı Erhan - research paper, Yale university
The marble sarcophagus cover of Sir William Hussey, images
Gli Italiani a Smirne nei secoli XVIII e XIX [The Italians in Smyrna during the 18th and the 19th centuries] - Marie-Carmen Smyrnelis
Discuss the reception of European diplomats at the Ottoman Court between 1535 and 1720, Kit Hildyard
History of the British colony at Smyrna by Hyde Clarke - 1862
British Consular Report on Trade in Smyrna - segments 1906 edition
The Levant Company in Smyrna - Notes and Queries, 1915
Smyrna in the seventeenth century - Blackwood magazine, vol CCXII July/Dec 1922- A.C. Wratislaw
Recherches sur l’histoire de la latinité de Constantinople - E. Dalleggio d’Alessio, 1926
Licorice - John Uri Lloyd, 1929
Les inscriptions latines funéraires de Constantinople au moyen âge [Tombstone inscriptions of Constantinople of the Middle Ages] - Eugenio Dalleggio d’Alessio, Revue des études byzantines, 1932
Le Pietre Sepolcrali di Arab Giami (Antica Chiesa di S. Paolo a Galata) [The tombstones of Arab Mosque (The ancient St. Paul’s Church in Galata)] - Eugenio Dalleggio d’Alessio, Nella Sede Della R. Deputazione di Storia Patria per la Liguria Palazzo Rosso, Genova, 1942
British Merchants at Alexandretta, 17th-18th Centuries - Major I. E. Gray - Genealogists’ Magazine, March 1945, vol 9, no:12
Anglo-French rivalry in the Levant from 1583 to 1612 - Arthur Leon Horniker - The Journal of Modern History, 1946
Boudja past and present’ - Hilda Voltera Barff - ‘Candlesticks’ Izmir Anglican church magazine, winter 1951-52
Some Aspects of English Trade with the Levant in the Sixteenth Century - T.S. Willan, 1955
The million dollar bet (includes impresssions of Buck Whaley’s visit to Smyrna and Constantinople on his way to Jerusalem for a wager) - John Brinton, 1967 - Saudi Aramco world magazine on-line archive
An American Judge in Egypt: Jasper Yeates Brinton - William Tracy, 1970 - Saudi Aramco world magazine on-line archive
Italian-speaking communities in early nineteenth century Tunis - Alessandro Triulzi, 1971
The social basis of English commercial expansion, 1550-1650 - Robert Brenner (The Journal of Economic History), 1972
The Library of the Levant Company’s factory in Smyrna (1805) - Richard Clogg, the Gleaner v.11, 1974
The European merchants in Angora - R. D. Barnett - Anatolian studies annual academic journal 1974
The Role of British Capital in the Economic Development of Western Anatolia, 1850-1913 - Orhan Kurmuş, phd thesis, 1974
The Construction of the Smyrna-Aidin Railway in Southwestern Anatolia, 1856-1866 - Francisco Javier Valenzuela, 1975
The Catholic church in Constantinople, 1204-1453 - Charles A. Frazee, Journal of Balkan Studies, 1978
The Russells of Aleppo - John M. Munro, 1982 - Saudi Aramco world magazine on-line archive
The Bonfils Story - William H. Rockett, 1983 - Saudi Aramco world magazine on-line archive
A Gift for the Sultan - Peter English, 1983 - Saudi Aramco world magazine on-line archive
A College on the Bosporus - Malcolm P. & Marcia R. Stevens, 1984 - Saudi Aramco world magazine on-line archive
Vincentian Missions in the Islamic World - Charles A. Frazee, 1984
Elizabeth and the Sultan’s Fete - Malcolm P. & Marcia R. Stevens, 1985 - Saudi Aramco world magazine on-line archive
European Views of Early 19th Century Izmir - Reinhold Schiffer, 1986
Greek Banking in Constantinople, 1850-1881 - Haris Exertzoglou, 1986
The history of the British Chamber of Commerce of Turkey - Desmond Whittall, 1987
East Encounters West: France and the Ottoman Empire in the Eighteenth Century - Fatma Müge Göçek, 1987
Greek Mercantile Activities in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1780-1820 - Elena Frangakis-Syrett, Journal of Balkan Studies, 1987
İzmir Basınında Levantenler (XIX. Yüzyıl’in İkinci Yarısı [Levantines featured in the Izmir Press in the second half of the 19th century] - Şerife Yorulmaz, 1988 - segment
The role of the tobacco trade in Turkish-American relations, 1923-29 - Robert Carey Goodman III, University of Richmond, 1988
Orientalist Travelers - Michael Simpson, 1989 - Saudi Aramco world magazine on-line archive
Carpet trade in Smyrna, 1990
Conditions of Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean: An Appraisal of Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Documents from Aleppo - R. Murphey, 1990
Trade practices in Aleppo in the middle of the 18th century: the case of a British merchant - Elena Frangakis-Syrett, 1991
The Ethnic Structure of Galata - Eldem Edhem, Biennual Istanbul, 1992
Smyrna in 1821: A Russian View - Theophilus C. Prousis, 1992
The Motives, Pattern and Form of Anglo-Ottoman Diplomatic Relations c. 1580-1661 - Liane Saunders, 1993
Salonica. Port-Cities of the Eastern Mediterranean 1800-1914 - Basil C. Gounaris, 1993
The Precarious Life and Slow Death of the Mixed Courts of Egypt - Nathan J. Brown, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 1993
A late eighteenth-century Austrian attempt to develop the Red Sea trade route - Middle Eastern Studies, Daniel Crecelius, 1994
The Origins of Modern Banking in the Levant: The Branch Network of the Imperial Ottoman Bank, 1890-1914 - Christopher Clay, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 1994
Britain’s Position on Establishing the Protestant Church in Jerusalem (1841–45) - Yousef Hussein Omar, Jerusalem Quarterly 1994
Belgians of Egypt -Samir Raafat - Egyptian mail, 1995
Les Arméniens catholiques de Smyrne aux XVIII et XIXème siècles - Marie-Carmen Smyrnelis, Revue du Monde Arménien Moderne et Contemporain, Société des Etudes Arméniennes, Paris, 1995-96
Art and diplomacy in Ottoman Constantinople - Philip Mansel, 1996
Conflicts between the Dutch merchants and the Ottoman local authorities according to the ‘Felemenk Ahdnâme Defteri’ dated 1091/1680 - Bülent Arı, 1996
TB, a Levant Company Factor on Pilgrimage, 1669 - Jonathan Picarsic, 1997
The British Consular Service in the Aegean 1820-1860 - Lucia Patrizio Gunning, 1997
Smyrne, mes parents, la Grécophonie - Livio Missir de Lusignan, 1997
Public Monuments in Turkey and Egypt, 1840-1916 - Klaus Kreiser, 1997
The “Arabick” Interest of the Natural Philosophers in Seventeenth-Century England - The Journal of the American Oriental Society; 1997; Saliba, George
The West and the Middle East - Bernard Lewis - Foreign Affairs v. 76 (Jan./Feb. 1997) p. 114-30
Some Merchant Families in Constantinople Before, During and After the Fall of the City 1453 - Klaus-Peter Matschke, 1997
Commerce in the Eastern Mediterrenean from the eighteenth to the early twentieth centuries: The city-port of Izmir and its hinterland - Elena Fangakis-Syrett, 1998
“Errand of Mercy”: American Women Missionaries and Philanthropists in the Near East, 1820-1930 - Dimitra Giannuli, Journal of Balkan Studies, 1998
Trades in Constantinople in the First Half of the Fifteenth Century - Miki Iida, 1998
Smyrna to Stewartstown, Ireland: A numistatist’s epigraphic notebook - a study of the work of Henry Perigal Borell (1795-1831) by David Whitehead - 1999
Archives for the Protestant Cemetery of Feriköy - Mr Stier: The cultural Attaché, German Consulate, Taksim, Istanbul, 1999
St. John’s the Evangelist Church in Izmir - Ft Ron Rogers, 1999
The Profit Tax Rolls of Non-Ottoman Subjects at Izmir - Mübahat S. Kütükoğlu, Turkish historical society bulletin, December 1999
The Imperial Ottoman Bank: Actor or Instrument of Ottoman Modernization - Edhem Eldem, 1999
European and Islamic Trade in the Early Ottoman State: The Merchants of Genoa and Turkey - Kate Fleet, Cambridge University Press, 1999
The economic activities of Ottoman and Western communities in eighteenth century Izmir - Elena Fangakis-Syrett, 1999
Struggles over the shore: building the quay of Izmir (1867-1875) - Sibel Zandi-Sayek, 2000
Belgium in the Ottoman Capital, From the Early Steps to ‘la Belle Epoque’ - part 1, part 2, 2000
The gradual loss of Levantine identity - Alex Tahinci, 2000
A Survey of the Bornova Anglican Cemetery in Izmir, Turkey - Sally Gallia, 2000
Ottoman Perceptions of the Capitulations 1800-1914 - Feroz Ahmad, Journal of Islamic Studies, 2000
Making of an Ottoman port: The quay of Izmir in the nineteenth century - The Journal of Transport History - Elena Fangakis-Syret, Mar 2001
Public space and urban citizens: Ottoman Izmir in the remaking, 1840-1890 - thesis by Sibel Zandi-Sayek, 2001
The British community in occupied Cairo, 1882-1922 - thesis by Lanver Mak, 2001
The Danish Flag in the Mediterranean Shipping and Trade, 1747-1807 - Dan H. Andersen - University of Copenhagen 2001 php thesis
The Mamluk System of Rule in the Eyes of Western Travellers’ - Ulrich Haarmann, 2001
A Levantine life: Giuseppe Donizetti at the Ottoman court - Emre Aracı, 2002
‘The Cultural Contributions of the Levantines of Izmir’ - İnci Kuyulu Ersoy, 2002
The Bailo in Constantinople: Crisis and Career in Venice’s Early Modern Diplomatic Corps - Eric R. Dursteller, 2002
The Levant Trade in the Middle Ages - John Day, 2002
Commercial Networks of Cooperation in the Venetian Mediterranean: The English and the Greeks, a Case Study - Maria Fusaro - Commercial Networks in the Early Modern World, 2002
Mr and Mrs Barker and Family: Franks in the Levant - Deborah Manley, Archaeology & History in the Lebanon, 2002
The Role of the Ottomans and Dutch in the Commercial Integration between the Levant and Atlantic in the Seventeenth Century - Mehmet Bulut, 2002
Beyond the Northern invasion: the Mediterranean in the seventeenth century, Past and Present, 174, 41-70 - Molly Greene, 2002 - summary
Smyrne à la fin de l’Empire Ottoman un cosmopolitism si voyant - Hervé Georgolin (vol. 67 Cashiers de la Méditerranée - 2003) - English summary
The Ambassador, the Sultan and the Artist, an Audience in Istanbul” - archive information on an exhibition in Holland held in 2003 of the relationship between the Dutch envoy Cornelis Calkoen, the Sultan Ahmed III, ruler of the Ottoman Empire, and the painter the Frenchman Jean Baptiste Vanmour
Ottoman Postal and Telegraph Services in the last quarter of the nineteenth century - Ayşegül Okan, 2003
The First Dutch Ambassador in Istanbul: Cornelis Haga and the Dutch Capitulations of 1612 - Bülent Arı, 2003
The Diplomatic Trinity: Ambassadors, Dragomans and the Porte - Aykut Gürçağlar, 2003
English Dragomans and Oriental Secretaries: The Early Nineteenth Century Origins of the Anglicization of the British Drogmanat in Constantinople - G.R. Berridge - Diplomacy and Statecraft, volume 14, Dec. 2003, number 4, Frank Cass Journal, London
Cosmopolitan imperialists and the Ottoman port cities: conflicting logics in the urban social fabric - Malte Fuhrmann, University of Berlin (vol. 67 Cashiers de la Méditerranée - 2003)
Coexistences et réseaux de relations à Smyrne aux XVIII et XIX siècles - Marie-Carmen Smyrnelis (vol. 67 Cashiers de la Méditerranée - 2003)
‘A most agreeable and pleasant creature’? Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Paşa and the Dutch in the Levant (1668-1682) - Merlijn Olnon, 2003
Russian Trade Prospects in Smyrna: An 1812 Consular Report - Theophilus C. Prousis, 2003
The beginning of Dutch navigation and trade with the Levant - Daniel Koster, 2003
Making Business between the Atlantic and Levant during the mercantilist ages - Mehmet Bulut
Merchantile gentelman and inquisitive travellers: constructing the natural history of Aleppo - Janet C.M. Starkey, 2004
New interpretations of domestic space and life: The emergence of apartment buildings in nineteenth century Istanbul - Dilşad Gözübüyük Melek, 2004
Notes on the origins of the diplomatic corps: Constantinople in the 1620s - G.R. Berridge, 2004
Early Ottoman Diplomacy: Ad Hoc Period - Bülent Arı, 2004
Ottoman Territoriality Versus Maritime Usage: The Ottoman Islands and English Privateering in the Wars with France 1689-1714 - Colin Heywood, Insularités ottomanes, 2004
West Anatolian Carpet Designs: The Effect of Carpet Trade between Otoman Empire and Great Britain - Elvan Anmac & Filiz Adıgüzel Toprak, 2004
Ottoman Territoriality Versus Maritime Usage: The Ottoman Islands and English Privateering in the Wars with France 1689-1714 - Colin Heywood, Insularites Ottoman, p. 145-173 - 2004
Istanbul’s Vanished City of the Dead: The Grand Champs des Morts - Brian Johnson, 2005
Cosmopolitan: A Tale of Identity from Ottoman Alexandria - Maya Jasanoff, 2005
Representation and Self-Consciousness in 16th Century Habsburg Diplomacy in the Ottoman Empire - Bart Severi, 2005
Development of railways in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey - Master’s Thesis, Sena Bayraktaroğlu, 2005
Competing for Aleppo’s souls: The Roman Catholic and Protestant missions in the Ottoman period - Bruce Masters, Archaeology & History in the Lebanon, issue 22, 2005
Gerald Harman Warner eyewitness account of Smyrna 1922 - Jenny Saggers, 2005
Ottoman Financial Integration with Europe: Foreign Loans, the Ottoman Bank and the Ottoman Public Debt - Edhem Eldem, 2005
Architecture, identity and liminality: On the use and meaning of Catholic spaces in late Ottoman Istanbul - Paolo Girardelli, 2005
The Logic of the Ottoman Capitulations - Timur Kuran, 2005
Forgetting the Smyrna Fire - Biray Kolluoğlu Kırlı, 2005
Mediators Between East and West: Christians Under Mamluk Rule - Johannes Pahlitzsch, 2005
Risky Business: Russian Trade in the Ottoman Empire in the Early Nineteenth Century - Theophilus C. Prousis, 2005
A short history of the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) in Turkey - Rıfat N. Bali, 2006
Urban Transfomation of Ottoman Port Cities in the Nineteenth Century: Change from Ottoman Beirut to French Mandatory Beirut - thesis by Pelin Kihtir Öztürk, 2006
Venetian Consuls in Egypt and Syria in the Ottoman Age - Maria Pia Pedani, 2006
A study of Ottoman Modernisation on the City: The Sixth Municipal District of Istanbul (1858-1877) - Master’s Thesis, N. Işık Demirkan, 2006
Levantine Heritage in Izmir - Onur İnal, MA Thesis, 2006
“Osmanlı Devrinin Kadın Doğum Hekimlerinden [One Of The Obstetricians Of The Ottoman Period] Dr. A. Vuccino (1829-1893)” - Yeşim Işıl Ülman, Hastane, 2006
La présence culturelle française dans l’Empire ottoman à l’âge de la compétition coloniale en Europe (1870-1914) - Paul Dumont
(Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg), 2006
The Tangled Ends of an Empire: Ottoman Encounters with the West and Problems of Westernization — an Overview - Engin Deniz Akarlı, 2006
Comparison of the Turkish and European Quarters of Izmir of the nineteenth century - Master’s Thesis, Mustafa Demiralp, 2006
A historical panaroma of an Istanbul neighbourhood: Cihangir from the late Nineteenth century to 2000s - Binnaz Tuğba Sasanlar, 2006
The Dutch Merchants and their activities between the Atlantic and Levant during the mercantilist ages - Mehmet Bulut, 2006
Commercial Practices and Culture in the Eastern Mediterranean in the 18th century: the Entrepreneurial Organization of the Levantine trade - Katerina Galani, 2006
Ottoman Imports in the Eighteenth Century: Smyrna (1771–72) - A. Mesud Küçükkalay & Numan Elibol, 2006
A brief history of the British pharmacy in Istanbul - Halil Tekiner, Pharmaceutical historian, 2006
Italian Architects and Modern Egypt - Cristina Pallini, 2006
The Ionian Sea in the 19th Century: Ports, the port system and the formation of the Ionian commercial and maritime network - Panayiotis Kapetanakis, 2007
Les Greco-Catholiques à Istanbul - Fr. Ange Michel, 2007
19. Yüzyılda İzmir’de İtalyan Cemaati - Mevlüt Çelebi, 2007
Bedlam in Beirut: A British Perspective in 1826 - Theophilus C. Prousis, 2007
Perceiving French Presence in the Levant: French Subjects in the Sicil of 18th Century Ottoman Salonica - Eyal Ginio, 2007
Between stumbling and fall towards insolvency: The endeavours of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century - MA Thesis, Ekrem Karademir, 2007
Information about the Greek educational institutions of Smyrna - George Vassiadis, 2007
Italian Architects in Smyrna - Cenk Berkant, (The First International Conference on the presence of Italian Architects in Mediterranean Countries), 2007
The Kampos of Chios: A Comparative Study of Multicultural Blend in Architectural Type and Urban Fabric - Emiliano Bugatti, 2007
Remembering Smyrna / Izmir: Shared History, Shared Trauma - Leyla Neyzi, 2008
Grieving Cosmopolitanism in Middle East Studies - Will Hanley, 2008
Freemasonry and fraternalism in the Middle East - Andreas J Önnerfors, 2008
Sports activities of English in Izmir (last of 19th century, beginning of 20th century) - Hasan Mert, 2008
The German involvement in Ottoman economic development: banking, railways and other investments, 1888-1914 - MA Thesis, Halil Ege Özen, 2008
The reverberating space of Izmir: Levantines interpenetrating homes - Selin Ayşe Kaner, Thesis, 2008
Capitulations and Negotiations: The Role of the Venetian Consul in Early Ottoman Egypt - Yutako Horii, 2008
Osmanlı/Türk Müzik Kültüründe Levanten Müzikçiler [Levantine Musicians in the Musical Culture of Ottoman Turks] - Seyit Yöre, Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, no. 24, pp. 413-437, 2008
The Fearless and Self-reliant Servant: The Life and Times of Sir Alfred Biliotti (1833-1915), and Italian Levantine in British Service - David Barchard, 2008
Modernleşme sürecinde Izmir’de Italyanlarin Eğitimi [The history education of Italians in Izmir] - Halil Özeçoğlu, 2008
Communal Relations in Izmir / Symrna, 1826-1864: As seen through the prism of Greek-Turkish Relations - N. Feryal Tansuğ, 2008
Co-Existence and Conflict Between Muslims and Non-Muslims in the 16th Century Ottoman Istanbul - Hasan Çolak, 2008
A Delve into Displacement: Who imagines the Levantine identity? - Nikola Haddad-Edizel, 2009
The Ottoman Empire and the American flag: Patriotic travel before the age of package tours, 1830–1870 - Susan Nance, 2009
English literature on the Ottoman Turks in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries - Anders Ingram, 2009
Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of The Third Big City of Alsancak, İzmir, Turkey - Malike Özsoy, 2009
The British Ambassadors to Istanbul in the Mid-Nineteenth Century: Sources of Intelligence and Political Reporting - Esin Yurdusev, 2009
The Role of Alvise Gritti within the Ottoman Politics in the Context of the “Hungarian Question” (1526-1534) - Elvin Otman, 2009
Entrepreneurship and relational capital in a Levantine Context: The Abbott of Salonica (18th-19th century) - Despina Vlami, 2009
Le Levant, une identité oubliée? [The Levant, a forgotten identity]- Marie-Carmen Smyrnelis, 2009
Churches at War: The Impact of the First World War on the Christian Institutions of Jerusalem, 1914–20 - Roberto Mazza, 2009
“A Vile, Infamous, Diabolical Treaty”: The Franco-Ottoman Alliance of Francis I and the Eclipse of the Christendom Ideal - Anthony Carmen Piccirillo, 2009
England, the Ottomans and the Barbary Coast in the late sixteenth century - Dr Christine Woodhead, 2009
Negotiating the field: American Protestant missionaries in Ottoman Syria, 1823 to 1860 - Christine Beth Lindner, 2009
Vertical Bazaars of Modernity: Western Department Stores and Their Staff in Istanbul (1889–1921) - Yavuz Köse, 2009
Constructing Ionian Identities: The Ionian Islands in British Official Discourses; 1815-1864 - Maria Paschalidi, 2009
İzmir San Antonio Katolik Hastanesi - Mevlüt Çelebi, 2009
19. yüzyıl’da Amerikan Birleşik Devletleri’nin İzmir’deki konsolosluk faaliyetleri [Activities of the American consulate of Smyrna in the 19th century] - thesis by Onur Kırlı, 2009
Metamorfosi Urbane Mediterranee Salonicco e Smirne: costruzione e ricostruzione delle identità [Urban Mediterranean transformation in Salonica and Smyrna: Construction and reconstruction of identity] - Emiliano Bugatti, 2009
Interpreting Dragomans: Boundaries and crossings in the early modern Mediterranean - E. Natalie Rothman, 2009
Anglo-Ottoman Relations and William Gladstone, 1868-1880 - Gül Tokay, 2009
Glass Bridges: Cross-Cultural Exchange between Florence and the Ottoman Empire - Reena Devi (University of Edinburgh), Master Thesis, 2009
The Case of Currants: The Levant Company Monopoly as a Stimulus for Bristol’s Illicit Trade 1590-1666 - Charlie Gent, 2009
Class and cosmopolitanism: the historiographical fortunes of merchants in Eastern Mediterranean ports - Athanasios Gekas, 2009
Mersin Levanten Yapıları Üzerine Bir İnceleme [A study on Levantine buildings of Mersin] - thesis by Gülizar Açık Güneş, 2010
Dressing Turks in the French manner: Mouradgea d’Ohsson’s panaroma of the Ottoman Empire - Elisabeth A. Fraser, ARS Orientalis 39, 2010
Looking East, Jean-Etienne Liotard, the Turkish Painter - Kristel Smentek, ARS Orientalis 39, 2010
Down and out on the quays of Izmir: ‘European’ musicians, innkeepers, and prostitutes in the Ottoman port-cities - Malte Fuhrmann, 2010
Transformation of the nineteenth century urban fabric in Istanbul’s historical peninsula: Storari grid layouts - Tan Kamil Gürer, Pınar Gözek, 2010
Arap Camii in Istanbul: Its Architecture and Frescoes - Haluk Çetinkaya, Anatolia Antiqua, 2010
Apparition et développement de la presse francophone d’Istanbul dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle - Seza Sinanlar Uslu, Université Technique de Yildiz, 2010
Cosmopolitanism in the Middle East as part of global history - Ulrike Freitag, 2010
Describing or distorting the “Turk”?: the Relazioni of the Venetian ambassadors in Constantinople as historical source - Eric R. Dursteler, 2010
From Capitulations to Unequal Treaties: The Matter of an Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in the Ottoman Empire - Eliana Augusti, 2010
Maltese survivors of Smyrna - Henry Frendo, 2010
History of Yachting in Turkey - Brian Giraud, 2010
Western Diplomacy, Capitulations and Ottoman Law in the Mediterranean (16-17th centuries) - Viorel Panaite, 2010
The building of Istanbul docks 1870-1910: Some new entrepreneurial and cartographic data - Vilma Hastaoglou-Martinidis, 2010
A “Compassionate” Episode in Anglo-Ottoman History: British Relief to the ’93 Refugees (1877-78) - Sadiye Sena Dinçyürek, 2010
Between the Great Idea and Kemalism: The YMCA at Izmir in the 1920s - Samuel David Lenser, Boise State University, 2010
How to research archives in a Levantine context - Craig Encer, 2010
Politics, Trade, and Diplomacy: The Anglo-Ottoman Relationship, 1575-1699 - Maria Blackwood, Yale University, 2010
A Journey into the World of the Ottomans: the Art of Jean-Baptiste Vanmour (1671-1737) - Olga Nefedova, 2010
Commercial Philanthropy: American Missionaries and the American Turkish Opium Trade - Tim Roberts, Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 2010
French Direct Investments in the Ottoman Empire Before World War I - V. Necla Geyikdağı, 2011
Theatre in Nineteenth Century Istanbul: Cases for the Translation of an Architectural Typology – Ezgi Yazıcı, 2011
Conversion and Convergence in the Venetian-Ottoman Borderlands - E. Natalie Rothman, Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 2011
Kültürleşmenin Bir Parçası Olarak Osmanlı’da Operanın Görünümü [View of Opera in the Ottoman Empire as a Part of Acculturation] - Seyit Yöre, Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken, Vol. 3, No.2, pp. 53-69, 2011
İstanbul’un Modernleşme Dönemi Otelleri (1840-1914) [Istanbul’s Modernizaton-Period Hotels (1840-1914)] - Elif Çelebi Yakartepe, Can Binan, 2011
An English architect in the 19th century Istanbul: William James Smith and Taşkışla - Aygül Ağır, Afife Batur, V. Gül Cephanecigil, Seda Kula Say, Mine Topçubaşı Çilingiroğlu, A. Hilal Uğurlu - TUBİTAK-SOBAG, 2011
Fighting Contraband in the European Provinces of the Ottoman Empire (1881-1912): European Bondholders vs Ottoman Smugglers and Peasants - Angelos A. Chotzidis, 2011
Trade and diplomacy in the Ottoman-Venetian relations during the 16th century - Cafer Talha Şeker, 2011
Cityscapes and Modernity: Smyrna Morphing into Izmir - Biray Kolluoğlu Kırlı, 2011
Imperial Adventures: Accounts of Izmir as the Oriental Other in British Travel Writing Tradition - Orkun Kocabıyık, 2011
Mediterranean History as Global History - David Abulafia, 2011
Une société hors de soi, identités et relations sociales à Smyrne aux XVIIIe et XIX siècles (Mélanie Turco) - Marie-Carmen Smyrnelis – (vol. 82 Cashiers de la Méditerranée - 2011)
Notes on the family wealth and career progression of Cristoforo Tarsia and his sons, Dragomans of the Venetian Embassy in Constantinople (1618-1716) - Cristian Luca, 2011
A Business Alla Turca? Levant Trade and the Representation of Ottoman Merchants in Eighteenth Century European Commercial Literature - Mathieu Grenet, 2011
“Malhamé – Malfamé”: Levantine Elites and Transimperial Networks on the Eve of the Young Turk Revolution - Jens Hanssen, 2011
Information on Ottoman Shipbuilding and on the Moves of the Turkish Fleet to the West (1522-1547) - Allain Servantie, 2011
Freemasonary in eighteenth-century Izmir? A critical analysis of Alexander Drummond’s travels (1754) - Maurits H. van den Boogert, 2012
A Modern Idea of Town: the Istanbul Pera-Beyoğlu District from Late Ottoman Period to 1930s (contribution summary to the Istanbul city portrait international conference, 2012) - Emiliano Bugatti
19th Century Painted Trays from Museum and Private Collections in Greece and Turkey - Dr. Myrto Hatzaki and Flavia Nessi Yazitzoglou, 2012
History of the St. Antonio Hospital in Izmir - Linda Tito, 2012
Hotel Huck Smyrna: Outstanding Hotel of the Glorious Port-City - Ali Özkan, 2012
Sydney La Fontaine’s Carpet Warehouse and Depot - Taylan Zeybek, 2012
The Tomb of Ludwik Michal Pac in St. Polycarp Church - Fabio Tito, 2012
Espionage in the 16th century Mediterranean: Secret Diplomacy, Mediterranean Go-betweens and the Ottoman-Habsburg Rivalry - Emrah Safa Gürkan, PhD Dissertation, Georgetown University, 2012
Credit and Financing in the early modern Ottoman Empire: The Galata Example - Sümeyye Hoşgör, 2012
The connected world of intrigues: the disgrace of Murad III’s favorite David Passi in 1591 - Elif Özgen, Leiden University, 2012
L’amministrazione italiana del Dodecaneso, in L. Pignataro (ed.), A proposito del Dodecaneso italiano, “Res Publica. Rivista di studi storico-politici internazionali”, 8(2014), 11-21 (atti della giornata di studi Un centenario dimenticato. Il Dodecaneso italiano: istituzioni, religione e cultura, December 5th 2012, LUMSA University, Rome, Italy)
The Anglo-Ottoman Encounter: Diplomacy, Commerce, and Popular Culture, 1580-1650 - Steven A. Roy, 2012
Visual Cosmopolitanism and Creative Translation: Artistic Conversations with Renaissance Italy in Mehmed II’s Constantinople - Gülru Necipoğlu, 2012
Between Westernatization and Orientalism: Italian Architects and Restorers in Istanbul from the 19th Century to the Beginning of the 20th - Maurizio Boriani, 2012
Entangled allegiances: Ottoman Greeks in Marseille and the shifting ethos of Greekness (c. 1790–c. 1820) - Mathieu Grenet, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Vol. 36 No. 1, 2012
New documents regarding the spread out of the English trade into the Ottoman domains: The memorandum of the board of trade, London, 1828 - Nilgün İsmail, 2012
The French Revolution’s Gift to the Ottomans: The Newspaper, The Emergence of Turkish Media - Ali Budak, 2012
Smyrna Rest: The Birth of the Greek Evangelical Association in a Coffee House in Alsancak (1880-1913) - Funda Adıtatar, 2012
Edouard Roditi and the Istanbul Avant-Garde - Clifford Endres, Texas Studies in Literature and Language, Vol. 54, No. 4, Winter 2012, 471-493
Visualizing a Space of Encounter: Intimacy, Alterity, and Trans-Imperial Perspective in an Ottoman-Venetian Miniature Album - E. Natalie Rothman, 2012
The story of the Izmir - Aydın Railway and the Walker family - Ali Özkan, 2013
Venetian Trading Networks in the Medieval Mediterranean - Francisco Apellániz, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 2013
‘A Continual Tavern in My House’: Food and Diplomacy in Early Modern Constantinople - Eric R Dursteler, Renaissance Studies in Honor of Joseph Connors, eds. Machtelt Israëls and Louis A. Waldman. 2 vols. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) and “Nominal Christians”: Elias Riggs (1810-1901) and American Missionary Activities in the Ottoman Empire - Mehmet Ali Doğan, 2013
The Sultan’s Entrepreneurs, The Entrepreneurs’ Sultan: Beratlı Avrupa Tüccarı and Institutional Change in the Nineteenth Century Ottoman Empire (1835-1868) - Said Salih Kaymakçı, 2013
Diplomats and painters: Cultural encounters between the Ottoman Empire and Sweden - Gözde Önder, 2013
Seeking Redress at The Signoria: Ottoman merchants in dispute with the Republic of Venice in the early modern era - Tommaso Stefini, 2013
Encounters at the Seams: English "Self Fashioning" in the Ottoman World, 1563-1718 - Jen Barrer-Gall, 2013
Beit Ghazaleh Research Project, Famille Gazalé/Gazaleh Family, Jdeideh Aleppo, Syria 2010-13: Report
The Levant Company Between Trade and Politics: or, the Colony That Wasn’t - Martin Devecka, 2013
Traders and New Ideas about the East: The British Levant Company and the discourse on the Ottoman Empire, 1581-1774 - Jonathan S. Couch, 2013
The making of an Ottoman port-city: The State, local elites and urban space in Salonica, 1870-1912 - Sotirios Dimitriadis, 2013
Fonds for the Sultan: How to use Venetian sources for studying Ottoman history? - Emrah Safa Gürkan, 2013
Late Ottoman Resort Houses in Istanbul: Büyükada and Kadıköy - Irmak Köseoğlu, 2013
Latin missionaries and Catholics in Constantinople 1650-1760: Between local religious culture and confessional determination - Laura Elisabeth Binz, 2013
Sayfiye to Banlieue: Suburban landscape around Anatolian Railways from mid-nineteenth century to the World War II - Ebru Salah, 2013
Latin-Rite Christians in Early Modern Istanbul - Eric Dursteler, International Symposium on Ottoman Istanbul - I, 2013
Osmanlı Dönemi’nde İzmir’de Bir Cemaat: İzmir’de Alman İzleri [The legacy of the Germans in Smyrna] 1752-1922 - İlhan Pınar, 2013
The Protégé System and Beratli Merchants in the Ottoman Empire: The Price of Legal Institutions - Cihan Artunç, 2013
Turquerie: Culture in motion, 1650-1750 - Alexander Bevilacqua, 2013
Representations of Ottoman Sultans in Elizabethan Times - Fatima Belgasem, Ali Essadek, 2013
Consuls of Smyrna: Their Place in the City and the Empire in the 17th and 18th Centuries - Sadık Can Perinçek, 2013
Archiving, Remembering, Aestheticizing “Old” Istanbul: The Case of the Fabiato Mansion - Cicek Ilengiz, 2013
Representations of Ottoman Sultans in Elizabethan Times - Viorel Panaite, 2013
Being a Western Merchant in the Ottoman Mediterranean - Viorel Panaite, 2013
Italian Contributions to Turkish Paediatrics during the Ottoman Empire - Murat Yurdakök, Luigi Cataldi, 2013
Urban Transformation in Ottoman-Mediterranean Region: A comparative study of Hamiye and Alsancak - Günseli Gürel, 2014
Confessional Politics and Religious Identity in the Early Jesuit Missions to the Otoman Empire - Robert J. Clines, 2014
Enemy Enticements: A Habsburg Artist in Süleyman’s Capital City - Mikael Bøgh Rasmussen, 2014
Finance and Empire: ‘Gentlemanly Capitalism’ in Britain’s Occupation of Egypt - Jared Paul Iacolucci, 2014
Contact and Conflict in Frankish Greece and the Aegean, 1204-1453: Crusade, Religion and Trade between Latins, Greeks and Turks - edited by Nikolaos G. Chrissis and Mike Carr, 2014
Unwanted Heroes? British Privateering, Commerce and Diplomacy in the Mid-Eighteenth Century Eastern Mediterranean - Basil Gounaris, 2014
Venetian Vagabonds and Furious Frenchmen: Nationalist and Cosmopolitan Impulses among Europeans in Galata - Julia Anne Landweber, Osmanlı Araştırmaları / The Journal of Ottoman Studies, XLIV, 2014
Hats and tarbooshes: identity, cosmopolitanism, and violence in 1920s Alexandria - Daniel Woodward, American University in Cairo, 2014
Impacts of a Levantine Bourgeois Family; The “Whittalls” in the 19th Century Ottoman Empire - Zeynep Naz Simer, 2014
Sultan’s America: Lessons from Ottoman Encounters with the United States - Emrah Şahin, Journal of American Studies of Turkey, 2014
Alexander Vallaury’s late works on İzmir, Thessaloniki and Eminönü custom houses and notes on the agenda of Ottoman architecture at the turn of the century - Seda Kula Say, 2014
The American Protestant Missionary Network in Ottoman Turkey, 1876-1914 - Devrim Ümit PhD, 2014
The Anglo-Ottoman Trade 1700-1800: Goods, Volume and Balance of Trade - Numan Elibol & Erol Ozvar, 2014
Her Majesty’s Protected Subjects: The Mishaqa Family in Ottoman Damascus - Erdoğan Keskinkılıç & Ebubekir Ceylan, 2014
Constantinople Confidential: News and Information in the Diary of Jean-Louis Rigo (c.1686-1756), Secretary of the Dutch Embassy in Istanbul - Rosanne Baars, 2014
The Italians of Istanbul between 1873-1910 and their properties: An analysis through the property petitions addressed to the Italian Embassy - Zeynep Cebeci Suvari, 2014
An Ottoman-English Merchant in Tanzimat Era: Henry James Hanson and His Position in Ottoman Commercial Life - Ü. Serdar Serdaroğlu, 2014
The rise of Ottoman Izmir as a commercial centre - Tuğçe Atik, 2014
Reconstruction of collective memory through spacial representations of Izmir waterfront, since the 1920s - Pınar Yüksel, 2014
Ottoman Visions of the West (15th-17th Centuries) - Arda Eksigil, 2014
‘Levantine’ Dragomans in Nineteenth Century Istanbul: The Pisanis, the British, and Issues of Subjecthood - Frank Castiglione, The Journal Of Ottoman Studies, 2014
Rediscovering the 19th Century of a Port Town in Levant: Smyrna/Izmir - Burcu Tasci, Büke Özden, Fatma Davras, Hümeyra Birol Akkurt - Athens Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 2015
Between Trade and Religion: Three Florentine Merchants in Mamluk Cairo - Giuseppe Cecere, 2015
Diplomats from the Low Countries in Istanbul: Astuteness, Pragmatism and Professionalization in Habsburg-Ottoman Diplomacy of the Sixteenth Century - Bart Severi, 2015
Eating bread together: Hapsburg Diplomacy and Intelligence-Gathering in Mid Sixteenth-Century Istanbul - María José Rodríguez-Salgado, 2015
The Genoese Levantine colonies at the birth of Ottoman Imperial power: A framework for inquiry - Padraic Rohan, 2015
Capturing Constantinople: Travel albums (1884-1910) - Sibel Acar, 2015
A transient colony in the valley of the Nile: The history of the Maltese colony in Egypt throughout the 19th and 20th century - Nicholas D. Chircop, 2015
A British touch on Tanzimat: Architect William James Smith - Esma İgüs, Journal of Ottoman Legacy Studies, 2015
The professional elite in mid-seventeenth century Constantinople: the Danish physician Hans Andersen Skovgaard (1604–1656) in the last decade of his life and career - Cristian Luca, Social and Political Elites in Eastern and Central Europe (15th-18th Centuries), 2015
İstanbul Mahkemelerinde Müstemenlerin Davaları ve Hukuki Muameleleri (XVII. Yüzyıl) - Sedat Albayrak, 2015
Petitions of the Supplicant Ambassador: British Commercial Representations to the Ottoman State in the Eighteenth Century - Michael Talbot, 2015
The international news agencies in the Ottoman Empire (1854-1908) - Servet Yanatma, 2015
The Ottoman Empire and Cricket: From Istanbul to Cape Town - Michael Talbot, 2015
The first Spanish Ambassador to the Sublime Porte: Juan de Bouligny and his early activities in Istanbul based on his diary - Ayşe Çiçek Ünal, 2015
Büyükada, its summer residences and the bourgeois Ottoman interior at the turn of the twentieth century, Zeynep Ceylanlı, 2015
The Role of Dragomans in the Ottoman Empire - Elvin Abbasbeyli, 2015
New approaches of British and Ionian presence in ports and grain-markets of the Russian Black Sea and the Danube (mid-18th – mid-19th century) - Panos Kapetanakis, 2015
The British Mercantile Interest in the Ottoman Trade Market: A Historical Analysis of the Levant Company - Emine Zeytinli, Proceedings of the Symposium on Business and Economic History, 2015
Sources for Levantine History - Lorans Tanatar Baruh, 2015
Izmir’de yerel ve Levanten kültürünün duvar ve tavan resimlerine yansıması [The reflection of regional and Levantine culture on wall and ceiling paintings in Izmir], Prof. Dr. Selçuk Mülayim Armağanı Sanat Tarihi Araştırmaları, (Ed. A. Doğanay), Istanbul - İnci Kuyulu Ersoy, 2015
Turkey-Vatican Relations from the Ottomans to the Republic - Ahmet Türkan, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2015
The French Catholic Missionaries in Lebanon between 1860 and 1914 - Serkan Gul, 2015
The first Protestants in the Arab World: The contribution to Christian mission of the English Aleppo chaplains 1597-1782 - Andrew Lake, Melbourne School of Theology, 2015
Lingua Franca: a not so simple pidgin - Joanna Nolan, 2015
From the Polish Times of Pera: Late Ottoman Istanbul through the Lens of Polish Emigration - Paulina Dominik, 2015
Marseille, port de la Turquie - English version - Patrick Boulanger, Conservateur du Patrimoine culturel de la CCI Marseille Provence, 2015
Les Achats Français d’Huiles Egéennes au XVIIIe Siècle - Patrick Boulanger, 2015
Les archives de la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Marseille Provence - Patrick Boulanger, 2015
England’s Forgotten Muslim History - Jerry Brotton, 2016
For queen and sultan Anglo-Ottoman advisors, soldiers, mercenaries and imperial agents in war and state (1853-1878) - Joshua Shannon-Chastain, 2016
The Ottoman East and the ‘Moral Geography’ of Europe’s Enlightenment - Karen Bird, Limina Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies, 2016
Between the Sultan and the Doge: Diplomats and Spies in the Time of Suleiman the Magnificent - Snezhana Rakova, 2016
Yusuf Agâh Efendi and the first permanent embassy of the Ottoman State in London - Merve Kardelen Bilir, 2016
Reflections of Socio-Cultural Changes on Urban Space in the 19th Century: The Case of Bursa - Elif Secer, Selen Durak, and Tulin Vural Arslan, 2016
The Transformation of Pera into the Cultural District of Istanbul in the Second Half of the 19th Century - M. Sami Bayram, 2016
Ottoman Istanbul from the Perspective of the Catholic Missionaries in the Post-Tridentine Period (End of 16th - 17th centuries) - Elmira Vassileva, International Symposium on Ottoman Istanbul - IV, 2016
“A Tale of Two Cities” in the Eastern Mediterranean: History of Thessaloniki and Izmir in 19th and 20th Centuries in Comparative Perspective - Alp Yücel Kaya & Dilek Akyalçın Kaya, Izmir Mediterranean Academy, 2016
Interview with Luca Orlandi part:1 The city and architecture - part: 2 The Levantine World, 2016
Sublime Purveyor of Levantine Trade and Taste: The David van Lennep Family Portrait - Caroline Mesrobian Hickman, PhD, presentation at the LHF Conference London, 2016
Visiting the ‘Serraglio del Gran Signore’: Medici Diplomacy and Cross-Cultural Contacts at the Time of Grand Duke Francesco I - Ulrike Ilg, The Medici and the Levant. Interlacing Cultures from Florence to the Eastern Mediterranean (1532-1743), 2016
La presse francophone dans l’Empire ottoman. Histoire et numérisation - Lorans Tanatar Baruh, 2016
Venetian Mamluk mode and Gentile Bellini - Maria Pia Pedani, 2016
Ticaret ve Diplomasi: Galata’da Dubrovnikliler (1600-1700) - Metin Ziya Köse, 2016
Janos Hoberdanecz’s Embassy to Constantinople - Mahmut Halef Cevrioğlu, 2016
The dark ages come to Aleppo - Philip Mansel, Los Angeles Times, 2016
In the Process of Being Levantines. The ‘Levantinization’ of the Catholic Community of Izmir (1683-1724) - Filomena Viviana Tagliaferri, Turkish Historical Review, 2016
Yankee Levantine: David Offley and Ottoman-American relations in the early nineteenth century - Ayşegül Avcı, 2016
Contending sovereigns, Contentious spaces: Illicit Migration and Urban Governance in the Late Ottoman Empire - Ayşe Polat - Global Histories, 2017
Interview | Hervé Georgelin: La fin de Smyrne, du cosmopolitisme aux nationalismes - Grèce Hebdo, 2017
Les juridictions du consul : une institution au service des marchands et du commerce ? Introduction - Guillaume Calafat, 2017
Brief History of an English-Language Journal in the Ottoman Empire: The Levant Herald and Constantinople Messenger (1859-1878) - Burhan Çağlar, 2017
From immigrants to emigrants: Salesian education and the failed integration of Italians in Egypt, 1937-1960 - Annalaura Turiano & Joseph John Viscomi, 2017
Levantine Joint-Stock Companies, Trans-Mediterranean Partnerships, and Nineteenth-Century Capitalist Development - Kristen Alff, 2018
Highbrow Harem Portraiture, or Turquerie and Its Discontents in the Eighteenth Century - Jennifer Lynn Kirsch, 2017
Gendering East and West: Transnational Politics of Belonging in the Ottoman Empire and France, 1718-1905 - Ayse Neveser Koker, 2017
The Levantine Merchant Consuls of Aleppo; The Commercial Elites 1750- 1850 - Maran Momdjian, 2017
Cosmopolitan Athens: the communities of western-Europeans in Athens in the 19th century - N. Potamianos, 2017
Paolo Caccia Dominioni’s work for the Italian embassy at Ankara - Cristina Pallini & Armando Scaramuzzi, 2017
Claiming Livorno: Commercial Networks, Foreign Status, and Culture in the Italian Jewish Diaspora, 1815-1914 - Alyssa J. Reiman, 2017
Best of Enemies: Europeans in the Ottoman Elite - Tobias P. Graf, History Today, 2018
Near East Relief’s Aid Campaign in Occupied Constantinople (1918-1923): Aid and Politics - Kemal Berkay Baştuji, 2018
The Evolution of Commercial Institutions and Business Networks in the Ottoman Empire: British Merchant Families and Individual Merchants in the Levant Trade in the 18th Century - Üzeyir Serdar Serdaroğlu, 2018
The English in the Levant: Commerce, Diplomacy, and the English Nation in the Ottoman Empire, 1672-1691 - Zachary W. Schulz, Purdue University, 2018
A British Merchant in Turkey: Freeman of the Levant Company and Consul, Donald Sandison at Bursa, 1795-1868 - Emine Zeytinli, 2018
A Legal and Historical Study of Latin Catholic Church Properties in Istanbul from the Ottoman Conquest of 1453 until 1740 - Vanessa R. De Obaldía, 2018
Anglicanism in Smyrna (1815-1923) - Chris Royer, Global Missiology, 2018
Diplomacy and Gifts in Constantinople: The book of accounts of Bailo Piero Bragadin (1524-1526) - Ovidiu Cristea, 2018
A Culture of Trust: Ottoman Merchants and Venetian Notaries in the Early Modern Period - Maria Pia Pedani, 2018
Venetian-Ottoman Peace Agreement or ‘Ahd-name in 1478/79 - Sena Hacıosmanoğlu, 2018
The Stevens Family: Consuls in Malta and the Levant - Sarah Watkinson, 2018
Beneath Sovereignty: Extraterritoriality and Imperial Internationalism in Nineteenth-Century Egypt - David Todd, 2018
American Foreign Missions to the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire: Fashioning the Model of Educated Christian Womanhood in the East in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century - Sarah Zeynep Güven, 2018
Urban palimpsest at Galata & an architectural inventory study for the Genoese colonial territories in Asia Minor - H. Sercan Sağlam, 2018
Ordinary Jerusalem 1840–1940: Opening New Archives, Revisiting a Global City - Edited by Angelos Dalachanis and Vincent Lemire, Brill 2018
One of Turkey’s Germans: Portrait of the Orientalist Friedrich Schrader - Ceyda Nurtsch,, 2018
Danger faces Egypt’s neglected Wonder of the Ancient World. Who will save the city of Alexandria? - David Wardrop, 2018
Dishonorable Ambassadors? Spies and Secret Diplomacy in Ottoman Istanbul - Emrah Safa Gürkan, 2018
The Captive Self: The Art of Intrigue and the Holy Roman Emperor’s Resident Ambassador at the Ottoman Court in the Sixteenth Century - Robyn D Radway, Journal of Early Modern History, 2018
Visiting the Noble Jerusalem: Catholic Pilgrims in the Ottoman Capitulations of the Seventeenth Century - Radu Dipratu, 2018
Protestant Writings about the Official Recognition and Protection of Protestant Subjects in the Ottoman Empire (1839-1856) - David Hosaflook, Institute of Albanian and Protestant Studies, 2018
Venetian Hosts and Ottoman Guests in the Venedik Sarayı in Constantinople (c. 1670-1681) - Maria Pia Pedani, Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie orientale, 2018
The Latin Catholic Church Settlement in Mersin during the late Ottoman Period - Selin Çoruh, 2019
A Struggle for Survival: Genoese Diplomacy with the Sublime Porte in the Face of Spanish and French Opposition - F. Özden Mercan, 2019
Producing Pioneers: The American Junior College for Women and the Beirut College for Women, 1924-1973 - Catherine Batruni, 2019
Levant Trade Review and Turkish-American commercial relations - Hasan Küçük, 2019
Diplomacy, Evangelism and Reform: Abdülhamid II and American Protestant Missionaries, 1876 - 1890 - Hamid İncidelen, 2019
Building Beyoğlu: Histories of place in a central district in Istanbul - Galata Teutonia - Enno Maessen, 2019
Reminiscences of Ottoman vernacular in Galata - ISVS e-journal, Luca Orlandi, 2019
The Protestant tombs in the Orthodox churchyard of St Lazarus in Larnaca and environs, 1673–1849 - Denys Pringle, 2019
Electrification of İstanbul (1878-1923) - Aysal Cin, Ulaş Duygu, 2019
European Trends in an Ottoman City: The Domestic Art Nouveau Buildings in Beyoğlu - Cansu İşbilir, 2019
Andrea Soldi’s portraits of Levant Company merchants (c. 1733-36): who are they? - Gerald MacLean, 2019
A Social History of Trans-Imperial Diplomacy in a Crisis Context: Herbert von Rathkeal’s Circles of Belonging in Pera, 1779 –1802 - David Do Paco, The International History Review, 2019
Mediterranean Futures: Historical Time and the Departure of Italians from Egypt, 1919–1937 - Joseph John Viscomi, The Journal of Modern History 91, no. 2, 2019
Pontremoli’s cry: Personhood, scale, and history in the Eastern Mediterranean - Joseph John Viscomi, History and Anthropology, 2019
Women Behind the Lens: The Middle East’s First Female Photographers - Tom Verde, Stephen Sheehi, Issam Nassar, Yasmine Nachabe Taan - Aramco World, 2019
Çanakkaleli Grech ailesi [Grech family of Chanak] - Osman Öndeş, 2019
Sources of inspiration: Jean-Baptiste Vanmour and other artist-travellers in Ottoman Lands - Janet Starkey, 2019
Is there a Diplomat in the House - Sheila Markham, 2020 (with the Travellers Club’s permission).
Spatial Stories of Izmir: A Narrative Study on the Influence of Trader Families on the Spatial Development of the Port City - Fatma Tanış & Klaske Havik, 2020
Breaching the Bronze Wall: Franks at Mamluk and Ottoman Courts and Markets - Francisco Apellániz, Brill, 2020
France in the Levant: Trade and Immaterial Circulations in the “Long Eighteenth Century” - David Celetti, Journal of early modern history, 2020
Was Salonica a Levantine city? - Philip Mansel, 2020
British Heads of Mission at Constantinople 1583-1922 - G. R. Berridge, 2020
Hungarians in Constantinople in the mid-19th Century: Socio-Economic Background and Careers. In Between Empires - Beyond Borders. The Late Ottoman Empire and the Early Republic Era Through the Lens of the Köpe Family - Ed. Fodor Gábor, Hungarian Cultural Centre in Istanbul and SALT Istanbul, 2020
The Role of David Urquhart within the Framework of the Ottoman-British Relations During 19th Century - Arif Uğur Gülsaran, 2020
An English Merchant in Ottoman İzmir (Smyrna): William Barker (1731-1825) - Miyase Koyuncu Kaya, 2020
Interaction and boundary work: Western merchant colonies in the Levant and the Eastern Churches, 1650–1800 - Cornel Zwierlein, 2020
The Ottomans and Western Europeans during the Mercantilist Times - Mehmet Bulut, Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 2020
Brokering the Orient. Towards an entangled history of Belgian diplomacy in Egypt between 1830-1914 - Gert Huskens, 2020
The Definition and the Development of the Religious Protectorate of France in the Ottoman Lands - Bugra Poyraz, 2021
The Reports of Venetians and Pilgrims on Ottoman Palestine in the Italian Sources (XVIth-XVIIth Centuries) - Eros Calcara, 2021
The Eye of Asia: Portrait of Smyrna as a World City - Philip Mansel, 2021
Holding High the Hanseatic Cross in the Levant: Andreas David Mordtmann and the Diplomatic Milieu of Istanbul - Tobias Völker, The International History Review, 2021
The Dragoman Renaissance: Diplomatic Interpreters and the Routes of Orientalism - E. Natalie Rothman, 2021
Behind palace doors: Enlightening Europe on Islam and the Ottomans - Philip Mansel, 2021
Turmoil in the Capital: British Publication Alarmed the Hamidian Regime - Burhan Çağlar, Belleten, 2021
A Brief Overview Of The Effects of Mediterranean Politics And Ottoman-Habsburg Conflict On The Modern European Identity - Ceren Civlan, Academia Letters, 2021
Antique Dealing and Creative Reuse in Cairo and Damascus 1850-1890 - Mercedes Volait, Leiden Studies in Islam and Society, Volume: 12, 2021
French Travellers in Ottoman Lands, 15th – 19th Centuries - Jack Snowden, 2021
The Revival of Sea Trade – the Port of Marseille and its Cross-Cultural Mercantile Collaborations in the Early Modern Period - Arazoo Ferozan, 2021
After 1821: Three Ottoman Cities and Greece - Philip Mansel, 2021
Life and works of Marius Michel in nineteenth-century Ottoman Empire - Emine Esra Nalbant, 2021
The Catholic Communities of the Aegean Archipelago during the Greek Revolution, 1821–1830 - Dimitris Kousouris, 2021
Entangled Confessionalizations? Dialogic Perspectives on the Politics of Piety and Community-Building in the Ottoman Empire, 15th–18th Centuries - Edited by Tijana Krstić & Derin Terzioğlu, Gorgias Press, 2022
Conversion among the Dragomans and the Language Boys of the Venetian Republic in Istanbul (1596-1709) - Volkan Dökmeci, 2022
Knowing the ‘hereditary enemy’: Austrian-Habsburg intelligence on the Ottoman Empire in the late sixteenth century - Tobias P. Graf, 2022
Palazzo Corpi - Gillian Leavitt Mueller, 2023
Residual spaces of the informal empire: Rereading Smyrna as an incomplete colonial project – Işılay Tiarnagh Sheridan Gün, 2023
‘M.E.R.’ visits the Whittalls in April 1882 - Gerald MacLean, 2023
The waterfront and the cosmopolitan settlement: Spatial transformations in Smyrna between the 1688 earthquake and the development of the quay - Ege Gutay, 2023
Continuity and change in the British diplomatic
service in the Levant: The ‘Levantine’ question and the lure of antiquities - Lucia Patrizio Gunning & Despina Vlami, Journal of the History of Collections, 2023
Nurturing Faith and Enlightening Minds: Assumptionist Education in the Ottoman Empire - Ediz Hazir, 2024
The Ottoman Court as a Special Venue for European Diplomacy - Zsuzsanna Cziráki, 2024
A window on Muslim traders in the Mediterranean through Maltese archives – 1530-1565 - Joan Abela, 2024
Pera/Galata: Neighbourhoods and Churches of late medieval Genoese city - Nazife Selma Somer, 2024
Misplaced British Subjects: Balkan Maltese in Transit 1941 -1949 - Bridget Mary Deane, 2024
Early nineteenth-century British views of the Levantines in the Ottoman Empire - Ufuk Özesmer, 2024
Genealogical / Testimonial
The Maltass & related Whittall, La Fontaine, De Cramer etc. family trees
Genealogy Levantine Branches Van Lennep, de Hochepied, de la Fontaine, Leystar, Henrick van Lennep, 2018 - web gallery:
Roots web - Whittall, Maltass, La Fontaine etc.
Fidao family
Ashe family of Boudja
Autobiographical sketch by George C. McVittie, astronomer and scientist
Werry and Fraser family
Keun family
Langdon family
Henry James Hanson Collection (1838-1935), family archives covering 3 generations
‘Tales of an old house and various family origins’ by Helena van der Zee - translated and compiled by Quentin Compton Bishop
The reports of the Rev. Charles Dobson on the 1922 events of Smyrna
Curriculum Vitae of Fernando Paolo Aliotti
Un document Grec, écrit avec des caractèrs Latins, de la famille Missir - Livio Amedeo Missir, 1967
On Turkey as I knew it - Honorine Gout (1883 - 1986)
Albert Patrick D’Alessio 1872-after 1955 - Dawn Scotting, 2009
The “de Andrias”, One specific branch of the “d’Andrias” - Jean-François de Andria, 2010
Barry family - information
Imperiale family - information
Rivans & Hadaway family information
The big house history revealed - Caroline Zambrano (Steinbuchel) in 1994
Henri Zipcy (1873-1950) by Michèle Alfonsi translated to English by descendant Catherine Saiko
Ghisi family
Badetti family
Morier family in Smyrna and in Constantinople during the late 18th and early 19th centuries - Henry McKenzie Johnston
Hoyland and Heald families of Constantinople
Saalmüller & Bonfils family of Lebanon portraits
Sykes family of Panderma [Bandırma]
Procter family of Constantinople - Francesca Sorgato, 2012
Icard family of Smyrna
Seager family of Bebek, Constantinople
The Story of Charles Missir, 1869-1927, Smyrna - Marian Verkerk, 2012
The Story of the Harty family of the Constantinople - Phyllis ‘Les’ Wells (nee Harty), 2012
Bon family of Smyrna
Notes on Susan Maltass - Sheila Thomas, 2013
Arachtingi, Missir etc. families
Privilegio Family of Smyrna and Constantinople
Marengo family (in Italian)
William Barker - Member of the Right Worshipful Levant Company, 1731-1825 - Marjorie Rear, 2015
Maurice Farkoa, press articles - Isabelle Ferrary
Gaston John Fercken - Richard Fercken, 2016
S. Ralph Harlow: An American chaplain in Smyrna; the history behind the NATO base
The Bobbitt Family in the Levant – Francie Kieffer, 2019 (updated)
Famille Joaillier en France & Turquie
Stephen “Steven” Alphonse Reggio (1887-1941) biography, Stefanie Reggio Fell - 2021
The winged nun of Ano Syros, Lienke and Anke van Nugteren - 2023
A Swiss engineer in Anatolia: William Rudolf Cramer – Noel William Cramer, 2023
Louis de Chénier, sa vie à Constantinople et au Maroc - Christophe Bouquet, 2024
From Swaledale to Smyrna: The descendants of Ralph Peacock - John Birchenough, 2024
Database listings
Bornova Church and Cemetery data
WWI dead
1898 Punta listing
Smyrna engravings
Background info
Old maps
Former Smyrna churches listing
List of British Consular Officials Turkey (1581-1860) (v.3) - David Wilson, 2011
The listing of the Consuls of Çanakkale (v.4) - Graham Lee, 2011
The listing of the Consuls of Gallipoli (v.4) - Graham Lee, 2011
Listing of people who gave their birthplace as Smyrna, Turkey on the 1851 – 1901 UK censuses, Joyce Cully, 2011
Listing of a sample of Births, deaths and marriages in Smyrna (1864-1965) obtained from British newspapers, Joyce Cully, 2010
The Adami Group transcription of Maltese genealogical records
The Dutch Historical Manuscripts Commission online database for the Levant trade 1590-1826 (six volumes of the Sources to the Levant Trade published between 1910 and 1966 each about 600 pages) - info
Postal forwarding agents by cities (including some in the Levant) in the 19th century
Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşiv Rehberi [Central Ottoman Archives register]
Vincentian Catholic Archives - Salonica, Santorini, St. Benoit, Istanbul 1583-1932: Catalogue F. GORLIN cm, Middle East., contenu du meuble des archives de Saint-Benoit.
Maltese surnames used at the Ionian Islands, part of an exhibition organised by Spyros Gauci, secretary of the Catholic Archibishop of Corfu, 2012
Anglo-American Cemetery Beirut, Lebanon
Baptism, Marriage and Burial Records of the British Chapel, Smyrna - Turkey 1795 - 1832
The registers of the Smyrna Anglican Chaplaincy (1799-1840) held at the Manuscripts Section of Lamberth’s Palace, London
Levant Company: Admissions of Freemen and Grants of Liberty of Trade, 1695-1824 - David Wilson, 2017
Levant Company: Earliest members, 1581-1605 - David Wilson, 2017
Bornova old and new street names table - Frances Clegg, 2018
Photographic archives
The Blatchford Collection of Photographs at the American University of Beirut, including those of Rubellin, Bonfils
The US Library of Congress photo collection - Abdul-Hamid II Collection
Middle East Image Archive
The Fouad Debbas Collection
Gertrude Bell Archive
Les collections du Musée Albert-Kahn
Sébah & Joaillier photos
Pierre de Gigord Collection of Photographs of the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey, 1850-1958
Archive trade catalogues
Oriental Carpet Manufacturers
The C.J. Giraud company founded in 1914 by Charlton James Giraud (1869-1955)
Indicateur Commerciales - Smyrna trade registry of 1891, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1898-1899 and 1920
Indicateur des Professions Commerciales & Industrielle de Smyrne, de l’Anatolie etc. - Smyrna trade registry of 1895 (3rd year)
Annuaire Oriental du Commerce de l’industrie, de l’administration et de la magistrature pour Turquie, Russie, Greece, Roumanie, Bulgarie par Cervati Frères & Cie, 1891
Indicateur Égyptien: Administrative et Commercial, 1897
1888 Smyrna Guide (in Greek translated to English) - arrangement according to profession, George Poulimenos, 2011 - in excel format: 1888: Originally in Greek, published by Amalthea in Smyrna - 1891: Originally in French, published by Cervati in Constantinople - 1893: Originally in French, published by Nalpas and d’Andria in Smyrna - courtesy of George Poulimenos ()
Bulletin mensuel de la Chambre de commerce française de Smyrne, 1893-1898
Adnan Bilget ‘Son Yüzyilda İzmir Şehri: 1849-1949’ [Izmir in the last century: 1849-1949], 1949 - sample
American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant, journals, 1911-1931
Chambre de commerce française de Constantinople (1890-1926): Bulletin Mensuel -