
Priests and The Religious of Smyrna / Izmir

A selection of photos, mostly from the archives of the late Bülent Moralı (1964-2008 - former head of Alsancak beautification association and author of ‘Punta’dan Alsancak’a: Alsancak Tarihine Kısa Bir Bakış’, 2005), who over many years scanned photos from the Izmir Catholic clergy he befriended. The order is chronological as much as possible - we welcome caption informations, corrections and possible additions from readers.

Roman Catholic Archbishop of Smyrna Vincenzo Spaccapietra who was took his post in 9 April 1862. He dies on 25 November 1878.

Mons Andrea Policarpo Timoni (14 March 1833, Smyrna – 1st August 1904, Smyrna)
Timoni family covers a very wide history in the Levant, dragomans, doctors, etc. Mons. Timoni contributed to the discovery of Mary’s House at Ephesus. We find them in Chios since 1521, and in Constantinople since 1626. Vincenzo Timoni was the doctor of Sultan Valide in 1626 and the favorite doctor of Sultan Murat IV in 1639. - further information on this family:

Mons. Domenico Raffaele Francesco Marengo (20 November 1842, Istanbul - 12 June 1909, Smyrna) - origin from Syra. This Dominican order friar becomes the Archbishop of Izmir on 25 July 1904 and stays in this post till he dies in 1909. Below a photo of him in a dedication ceremony on name-day celebration of St Expedite on 19 April 1905 at Bayraklı on the very site where the construction of the future St. Anthony Church had already started, of which St. Expedite was the second patron and would have its own dedicated altar.

The Capuchin order friar Giannantonio Zucchetti (1843-1931) from Milan, who was missionary in Mardin and south-east Turkey 1879 - 1909 and archbishop in Izmir 1909 - 1920. He appears to be the middle person sitting in this group photo below

The next Catholic arch-bishop in Izmir in this line is Giovanni Battista Fedrico Vallega, in the centre, born 12 April 1876 Genoa, became Izmir Archbishop 26 January 1921, retires 1 March 1929, dies 4 December 1944.

Archbishop Edoardo Tonna, born Izmir 15 November 1891, became the Archbishop of Izmir 9 February 1930, retired 3 December 1937, died 7 November 1963 as the Emeritus Bishop of Izmir. Mgr Tonna was British of Maltese descent, and great uncle of our childhood friend Alfred Tonna (RIP?). Mgr Tonna endured heavy negative pressures from Fascist Italian Smyrniotes during WW2 especially due to his British citizenship.

From the top, left to right: Padre Vincenzo Capudano (?), Mgr Tonna, Frere Anselme in the jabot collar, 1937.

Postcard image showing Fr. Anselme with glasses in the centre, noted as the head of the St Joseph French school of Smyrna, dated 1933.

The ordination of Father Emmanuel Descuffi in front of an unrecognised church, posibly in Istanbul. On the right carry vestments of Byzantine rite, the Arch-bishop of the Greek Catholic Church, Denis Leonid Varouhas, on his left the newly appointed Arch-bishop Emanuel Descuffi. Next to him the future Pope John XXIII, the Roman Catholic Arch-bishop Giuseppe Roncalli. On his left dressed in Armenian rite, the Armenian Catholic Arch-bishop Paul Kiredjian. Vatican records show this consecration took place on 20th February 1938 and the assembled persons are listed which confirms that this photo is from that post ordination ceremony.

P. Ilario Monti, first Parish Priest of the S. Rosario (Holy Rosary) church in Alsancak, Dominican, serving 1902-1914. (Monti Sett. 902)

Unidentified 1.
Unidentified 2.

Postcard image of Cardinal Dubois, Archbishop of Paris, visiting Smyrna in 1920. He headed a French government religious mission to Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Smyrna, Athens, Constantinople and the Balkan countries from December 14, 1919 to March 24, 1920, to assure those areas of France’s religious impartiality.

Unidentified 3 (1921).
Unidentified 5.

From left sitting: P. Vincenzo Capuano, P. Giordano Grosso, P. Davide Poratti. Standing extreme right in black: P. Anselmo Giordano.

Unidentified 4.

My father Peter Pol. Galdies top row, second from right of photo of the Dominican choir. Fr Vincenzo 2nd row left, and Fr Davide (?) black beard in centre.

From left of photo: Frs Salvatore, Vincenzo, Giulio, Sebastiano.

Archbishop Descuffi, Italian Sisters of Ivrea and what look like pilgrims to Meryem Ana from Italy. (M. Ana 15-8-960).

Unidentified 8 (Fr. A. Giordano).

Fr Vincenzo in his late years. (P. Vinc. 1962).

Left to right: Brother (Fra) Marco, then unidentified, Padri: Sebastiano, Vincenzo, and Davide.

Fra Marco Irico standing left, P. Sebastiano Bossina standing right
Seated from left: P. Vincenzo Capuano, P. Innocenzo Tosco, P. Davide Poratti, S. Rosario Garden in front of the statue of the Madonna.

I seem to recognize at right of photo: French Jesuit Pere Euzet and to his right, Cardinal Roncalli: Vatican Nunzio to Ankara flanked by three other archbishops, 2 Jesuits, and 1 Capuchin priest.

25th Anniversary of the Ordination of P. Giordano Grosso, 1932
From left standing: Fr. P. Righes, P. Capana, P. Davide Poratti, x, Seated from the left: P. Vincenzo Capuano, P. Innocenzo Tosco, P. Giordano Grosso, P. Moiso, P. Berutti.

From top left: the Freres: Theodore, Prelidien, x, Olivier, Ambroise, Gilbert, x, Anselme, Felix, Marius, then lower row: Père St. Germain with his famous dark spectacles of yellow glass, Priest Michele from Buca, Padre Vincenzo, Pere Euzet, Fr Directeur Pierre, Mgr Descuffi, x, monocled French vice-consul M. Crépin, Pere Claire, Padre Davide, and x.

Unidentified 14.

Children’s Catechism Award Ceremony, January 4, 1961, S. Rosario Parish Church Hall, Alsancak. The award ceremony for 32 children who regularly attended religious classes in Turkish was conducted by Donata (Sister Giacinta) Balcier. Mothers were also present at the ceremony. The afternoon was spent with various games and ended with each child being presented with a package.
1. Adolf Vitel, 2. Jano Vitel, 3. Edith Magnifico, 4. P. Giulio Battola, 5. Dina Portelli / Cristiana Drossa ?, 6. Edline Çavuşoğlu Tito, 7. Jano Papi, 8. P. Vincenzo Capuano, 9. P. Sebastiano Bossina, 10. ?, 11. Tonino Magnifico, 12. Anna Portelli, 13. Carmen Çavuşoğlu, 14. Fra Marco İrico, 15. ?, 16. Anna Dilernia, 17. Fotini Piro, 18. mother of Hicran, 19. Enzo Piro, 20. ?, 21. Roney Hale, 22. ?, 23. ?, 24. ?, 25. Janet Çavuşoğlu Corsini, 26. ?, 27. Can Aslan, 28. ?, 29. Danilo Tius, 30. Matmazel Donata Balcıer, 31. ?, 32. ?, 33. Jano Çavuşoğlu, 34. ?

Top in black is Brother Fra Marco and Padre Davide. Bottom from left: Padres Sebastian, Pere Pastie from Istanbul?, Padre Vincenzo.

Legion of Mary meeting in Buca, from left, in front: Jeanette Rivens, Herbert Mirzan, behind: Mons. Giuseppe Descuffi, mother Mary statue, P. Michele Salardi ofm.cap, Fernande Balladur, Marcel Icard, Mr Rivens at the Catholic church of St John the Baptist, Buca, 1956. (Legio Mare Buca).

Children’s first communion with P. Giordano Grosso, 31.05.1931.

From left to right: P. Sebastiano Bossina, Mons. Giovanni Bocella, Fra Benedetto Zorcolo, P. Giorgio Marcato, Feast of S. Domenicani, garden of the S. Rosario church, 1968 (M. Bocc. 4-8-68).

Policarpo Cosentino’s wedding with Natalina Fedeli
Top left to right: Andre Perpignani, Livio Santore, Jacques Missi,
The ladies from left to right: Mirella Santore, Yoka Santore, Lela Papagno, Sila Missi, Therese Armao.
(Matr. Paul Cosentini).

Left to right: Fr. Giulio Battola, Fr. Giacinto Said, Fr. Giacomo Crivellaro, Fr. Sebastiano Bossina, Brother Benedetto Zorcolo - all Dominican order, garden of the Dominican Church, August 1967.

Unidentified 24.
Consecration of the High Altar of the Church of the Holy Rosary. Mons. John Bocella assisted by Fr. Sebastiano Bossina and Fr. Maurizio Isacco and Fr. Salvatore Ropa superior of Karşıyaka, 27 March 1968. (Bocella).
Unidentified 26 (Bocella 27-10-68).

From left to right: Fr. Olivier, Fr. Alfred, Fr. Marius, P. Sebastiano Bossina, Fr. Jean, Fr. Jean Marie, P. Giulio Battola, Fr. Pascal, P. Elie Thierry, Fr. Benedetto Zorcolo, 1969. (Epifania 69).

From left to right: P. Giulio Battola, P. Andrea Marinaro, wife of Italian Consul of Izmir, P. Sebastiano Bossina, Italian Consul of Izmir Paolo Pucci di Benisichi, Fra Benedetto Zorcolo, in the garden of the S. Rosario church, 1972. (Cs. Pucci, 19-10-72).

1. Stefano Tito, 2. Rinaldo Filinesi, 3. Albano Servisoğlu, 4. Kemal Gürkan Küçükergin, 5. Omar Servisoğlu, 6. Roberto Sergio, 7. Can Paolo Braggiotti, 8. P. Stefano Negro, 9. Aksel Akkaranfil, 10. Cristofer Tonna, 11. Yves Filippucci, 12. Ferdi Servisoğlu, 13. Nicholas Tonna, 14. Andre Zakari, S. Rosario church garden, 1996 Sacred week.

From left to right: P. Giulio Battola, P. Andrea Marinaro (born Izmir 1918, baptismal name Spridione a Levantine Dominican priest), Fra Paolo Ronco, P. Stefano Negro, P. Sebastiano Bossina - all dominican in the garden of the S. Rosario church, 1976. (Lac. 16-2-76).

1. P. Adriano Franchini, 2. ?, 3. ?, 4. ?, 5. ?, 6. ?, 7. ?, 8. Giuliano Gloghini, 9. ?, 10. P. Ezio Fierli, 11. Mons. Giulio Murat, 12. ?, 13. P. Vincenzo Succi, 14. ?, 15. P. Pio Murat, 16. ?, 17. ?, 18. ?, 19. ?, 20. ?, 21. ?, 22. Mons. Giuseppe Bernardini, 23. P. Domenico Bertogli, 24. ?, 25. ?, 26. ?
Priestly Ordination of Fr. Pio Murat, Saturday, June 29, 1985
Monsignor Bernardini ordains Fr. Pio Murat as a priest in the Cathedral Church of St. John the Evangelist. Present are his fellow friars from the Capuchin Province of Paris, his seminary companions from St. Louis in Istanbul, and religious men and women from our diocese. The Dominicans are absent, distressed over Fr. Sebastiano, who is awaiting death after the celebrations for the newly ordained priest from Smyrna.

Unidentified 32 (5-02-978).

June 29, 1983 Celebration and meeting with the Dominican Master General on a canonical visit to the Parish of S. Rosario. From left to right: P. Giulio Battola, P. Dominique Louis, assistant to the P. General, P. Michele Salardi of OFMCap (Order of Friars Minor Capuchin), behind him P. Michele, P. Francesco Muraca, a Franciscan of Florence, the Master General P. Vincent des Coursnongles, P. Sebastiano Bossina, P. Tanguy of OFMCap, P. Luigi Fontana, P. Lorenxo Piretto, P. Paolo Ronco.

Unidentified 33 (I Com. 11-5-86).

April 27, 1997, S. Polycarpe Church, Izmir. In the middle Archbishop Giuseppe Bernardini, on the left Padre Ezio Fieri, on the right Padre Stefano. The children from the left: Fredino Sergio, Andrew Micaleff, Roberto Enver in front of him, Stefani Bogdanich, Romina Sergio. These children had their First Communion. On the far right is Marc Marnicovitch for his Fortification ceremony..

Unidentified 35.

From left to right: P. Giulio Battola, P. Mario Marini, P. Stefano Negro, P. Alberto Fabio Ambrosio, P. Claudio Monge, Fra Paolo Ronco, all Dominicans. In front: la sig.na Donata Balcıer (Suora) - 30 March 1997.

From left to right: P. Ezio Fierli, Mons. Giuseppe Bernardini, P. Giulio Battola. The Mons. awards the two with the Vatican medal (Croce pro benemerenti = cross for the deserving) in the hall of the Church of S. Maria in Izmir. (8-12-96 Medaglia).

From left to right: Fra Paolo Ronco, P. Stefano Negro, P. Giulio Battola and the manager of Banco di Roma branch in Izmir Sign. Santoro. (Ottobre 2002).

From left to right: P. Giulio Battola, Irene Roboly Reggio, Giuseppe (Joe Reggio), P. Stefano Negro. Irene and Joe Reggio’s farewell celebration before settling in Canada. Mr Jo Reggio was the maestro of the Alsancak Church choir for many years. (Festa 2003 Joe).

Unidentified 40.
Unidentified 41 (Nunzio 2004).

Photo identifications courtesy of Okan Çetin & George Galdies (in blue) & Rodney Simes (in purple) & Linda Tito (in green) in brackets donates to the existing partial digital captions. P. = Padre / Père, priest & Fr. = Frère, teacher.