An invitation to becoming a member of the Levantine Heritage foundation
Membership is open to all who have an interest in the Levantines, their history, genealogy and culture. We have members in 4 continents and using the main web site as reference, aim to build up a body of data and recollections that is verified through multiple checks of descendants and researchers. We hope future work will bring wider tangible benefits, from encouraging preservation of buildings to sponsoring new researchers and disseminating findings for education and inspiration.
We have group gatherings 3 times a year in London which include talks and optional dinner. The dates of these gatherings is advertised well in advance on our home page and we are grateful for our past speakers who informed while entertaining us and very much welcome future volunteer speakers - details:
Group photos of the London Study Group meetings
Hybrid joint Symposium with the School of Advanced Study, University of London: ‘Trieste and the Levant’, 27 November 2024 - Woburn Suite, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU - information: - video:
From left: Katia Pizzi, Michael Cottakis, Philip Mansel, Richard Bassett.
4th joint LHF / Royal Asiatic Society live lecture gathering with guest speaker Stephen Boys Smith: ‘Through Consular Eyes: Thomas Sandwith, British Levant Consul 1855-1891’, 28 November 2023
From left: Quentin Compton-Bishop, the speaker Stephen Boys Smith, Alison Ohta (Director Royal Asiatic Society), Edwin La Fontaine, - flyer:
34th Levantine Heritage Foundation lecture gathering in London, 16 November 2021, Royal Thames Yacht Club, Knigtsbridge, ‘The Honour of the European Nation: Women and Diplomacy in the Early Modern Levant’, Prof Eric Dursteler
From left: Craig Encer, Edwin La Fontaine, Peter Papi, Edward Speed, Jonathan Beard, Quentin Compton-Bishop, the speaker Prof Eric Dursteler, Sheila McGuirk, Philip Mansel, Russell McGuirk, Briony Llewellyn - flyer:
33rd Levantine Heritage Foundation lecture gathering in London, 20 January 2020, ‘Venetians in the Levant: from Constantinople to Aleppo’, Dr Philip Mansel, a joint Venice in Peril, the Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London -
Some friends present, from left: Şebnem Şenyener Bone, Craig Encer, Zeynep Ugan, Judith Galdies, George Galdies, John Neild, Val Neild, Quentin Compton-Bishop, Joe Murat, James Bone - the roll-over image, from left: the speaker Dr Philip Mansel and Chairman of Venice in Peril: Jonathan Keates.

32nd Levantine Heritage Foundation lecture & dinner gathering in London, 18 September 2019, with the theme ‘Levantine Legacies in 19th century Asia Minor’ with guest speaker Gwendolyn Collaço: ‘Prints and Impressions from Ottoman Smyrna: The Harvard Fulgenzi Album’ and Richard Wittmann: ‘The Feriköy (Istanbul) Protestant Cemetery Initiative’ - flyer:
From left standing: Rev Jonathan Collis, Quentin Compton-Bishop, David Ruckert, Richard Wittmann (speaker), Philip Mansel, George Galdies, Sheila McGuirk, Craig Encer, Russell McGuirk, Şebnem Şenyener Bone, Charles Dunn.
From left sitting: Gwendolyn Collaço (speaker), Mrs Ruckert, Elizabeth Plenderleith, Jane Taylor, Judith Galdies, Emma Bassett.

31st Levantine Heritage Foundation lecture & dinner gathering in London, 24 July 2019, with guest speaker Gareth Winrow: ‘Patriot and Liberal Internationalist? The Life of Ahmed Robenson’ and Prof Gerald MacLean: ‘Ottoman Aleppo Through British Eyes’ - flyer:
From left: Philip Mansel, Henry Elwell, Donna Landry, Prof Gerald McLean, Sheila McGuirk, Russell McGuirk, -, Quentin Compton-Bishop, -, Gareth Winrow, -, -, Basil Kudsi, Alp Ulagay, Zeynep Cebeci Suvari, Malcolm Billings, -.

30th Levantine Heritage Foundation dinner gathering in London, 17 April 2019, with guest speakers Talitha Schepers: ‘Perceiving the Sublime Porte: Habsburg-Ottoman Diplomatic Encounters as seen through the Eyes of Netherlandish Artists (1526-1574)’ and Coline Houssais: ‘Paris and its historic connections with the Arabic world’ - flyer:
From left: James Bone, Gül Tokay, Şebnem Şenyener Bone, Jonathan Pearce, Philip Mansel, Gerald Maclean, Georgia de Chamberet, Quentin Compton-Bishop (our Chairman), Gareth Winrow, Coline Houssais, David Clark, Theophano Megalokonomou, Kamil Kemal Guller, Marilyn Clark, Mark & Jane (sitting) Ramsome, Jill Sindall, Ali Acikalin, Talitha Schepers, Donna Landry.

29th Levantine Heritage Foundation dinner gathering in London, 15 January 2019, with guest speakers Robert Irwin ‘Strangers in a Strange Land: Western Travellers in the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt and Syria’ and Raphael Cormack ‘Cairo’s multicultural interwar theatre scene’ - flyer:
From left: Raphael Cormack, Quentin Compton-Bishop (our Chairman), Robert Irwin, Edwin La Fontaine.
28th Levantine Heritage Foundation gathering in London in association with the London Hellenic Centre, 10 April 2018, with guest speakers Prof Peter Mackridge ‘The delights of Istanbul in eighteenth-century Greek literature’ and Tom Rees ‘Camarthen to Cairo via Smyrna and Cyprus: the Rees family 1850 to 1950’ - flyer
Left to right: John Neild, Valerie Neild, Hans Verkerk, Marion Verkerk, Tom Rees (speaker), Prof Peter Mackridge (speaker), -, -, Jessie Harrington, Philip Mansel, Gül Tokay, Joe Murat, Nicola Murat, Camellia Elerman.

27th Levantine Heritage Foundation dinner gathering in London, 18 January 2018, with guest speakers Dr Philipp Wirtz (SOAS) ‘Rave reviews in Pera: German Residents in late Ottoman Istanbul as Observers of Ottoman Cultural Life, 1908 - 1918’ & Taylan Güngör (SOAS) ‘The late-Medieval Italian community in Pera’ & Tom Young ‘Lost Levantine Houses of Beirut’ - flyer:
Standing from left: George Vassiadis, Noor Haydar Young, Quentin Compton-Bishop, Tom Young (spearker), Philipp Wirtz (speaker), Clive Cookson, Theophano Megalokonomou, Teri Sisa Mason, Craig Encer, Philip Chambers, Wendy Kristianasen, Philip Mansel, Tom Rees, Taylan Güngör (speaker), Prof Yakup Paker
Sitting from left: Joanna Hyslop, Valerie Neild, Frances Clegg, Şebnem Şenyener Bone, Mrs Paker. Not in photo Emanuela Pergolizzi, Thora & John Ray.

26th Levantine Heritage Foundation dinner gathering in London, 21 September 2017, with guest speakers Dr Jonathan Conlin, senior lecturer in modern history at Southampton University on ‘Very Loyal Subjects and Friends of Our Country: The Gulbenkians and Ottoman/Turkish Economic Development, 1880-1935’ and Nicholas Pelham, author and Middle East correspondent of The Economist, on his Alexandrian and Levantine background - flyer:
Standing from the left: Heywood Hadfield, Nancy Stevenson, Nilgün Sarmas, Clive Cookson, Philip Mansel, Nicholas Pelham, Paul Gulbenkian, Jonathan Conlin, Joanna Hyslop, Naomi Segal, Valerie Pelham, Camellia Elerman, Paul Pelham, Valerie Pelham,
Sitting from left: Teri Sisa Mason, Alan Merkel, Marian Verkerk, Hans Verkerk - not on the photo: Quentin Compton-Bishop, Craig Encer.

1st Levantine Heritage Foundation social networking and bring and share family ephemera evening in London, 29 June 2017 - flyer:
Standing from left: Chairman: Quentin Compton-Bishop, Clive Cookson, Sarah Crowley, Theophano Megalokonomou, Joanna Muldal, Judith Galdies, Thora Ray, Peter Papi (John Papi behind), John Ray, Isabelle Haynes, George Galdies, Barrington Tristram, Liz Plenderlith, Philip Mansel, Joe Murat, Ian Plenderlith, Mark Ransome
Sitting from left: Liz Knight, -, -, Teri Sisa-Mason, Frances Clegg, Jane Ransome - not on the photo: Craig Encer.

25th Levantine Heritage Foundation dinner gathering in London, 24 April 2017, with guest speaker author Haydn Williams: ‘Turquerie: An 18-Century European Fantasy’ - flyer:
Standing from left: Mark Ransome, John Neild, Şebnem Şenyener Bone, -, Thora Ray, -, Ali Açıkalın, John Ray, -, David Clark, Camellia Elerman, Mr Haynes, Isabelle Haynes, Philip Mansel, Hil Piering, James Bone, Haydn Williams (speaker)
Sitting from left: -, Valerie Neild, Frances Clegg, -, Craig Encer - not on the photo: Emanuela Pergolizzi, Quentin Compton-Bishop.

24th group meeting 19 January 2017, Royal Thames Yacht Club, Knigtsbridge, with guest speakers author Jerry Brotton: ‘This Orient Isle: Elizabethan England and the Islamic World’ and LHF trustee Zeynep Cebeci Suvari: ‘Consular property records of the Italian community of Istanbul 1873-1910’ - flyer
Standing from left: -, Jessie Harrington, Nicholas Pelham, -, Camilla Ellerman, Frederic Garcin, Fatma Tanış -, Sharon Foulston, Zeynep Cebeci Suvari, -, Haydee Giraud Wilkinson, -, -, -, Malcolm Billings, John Neild, -, -, Quentin Compton-Bishop, Clive Cookson, Jerry Brotton, -, -, -, -.
sitting from left: -, Philip Mansel, Nancy Stevenson, Valerie Neild, Frances Clegg, Craig Encer, Jill Sindall, Şebnem Şenyener Bone, -, -.

23rd group meeting 7 September 2016, Royal Thames Yacht Club, Knigtsbridge, with guest speakers Charles Newton: ‘Count Amadeo Preziosi: Levantines Observed’ and Malcolm Billings: ‘Vartan of Nazareth’ - flyer
From left: Charles Newton (speaker), Prof Scott Redford, Rob Graham, Jessie Harrington, Joanna Hyslop, Jill Sindall, Quentin Compton-Bishop, Liz Plenderleith, Rupert Scott, Valerie Neild, John Neild, Nancy Stevenson, Gerhard Behrens, Jack Hanson, Malcolm Billings (speaker),
sitting from left: Frances Clegg, Craig Encer, Doris Behrens-Abouseif.

22nd group meeting 28 April 2016, Royal Thames Yacht Club, Knigtsbridge - flyer
From left: -, Mark Ransome, Mark Vickers, Imi Vickers, Veronica Hodges, Michael Hodges, Philip Mansel (speaker), -, Clive Cookson, Teri Sisa-Mason, Riyad Nicolas (speaker), -, Simon Mills (speaker), Jessie Harrington, Ian Plenderleith, Ellen Nye, Rubert Scott, Marian Verkerk, Liz Plenderleith, Liz Knight, Hans Verkerk, George Vassiadis, Thora Ray, John Ray, Jonathan Beard, -, Joanna Hyslop, Stephen Boys-Smith, Linda Boys-Smith, Maya Chehade (speaker), Sonia Anderson.

The twentyfirst group meeting 27 January 2016, Royal Thames Yacht Club, Knigtsbridge - flyer.
From left, back row: Stephen Boys-Smith, -, John Neild, Jack Hanson, Clive Cookson, -, Philip Mansel, Thora Ray (speaker), Lucien Toutounji, Jonathan Beard, Erica Cavalli Beard, Scott Redford, Briony Llewellyn (speaker), Teri Sisa-Mason, John Ray, -.
From left, front row: Craig Encer, Mary Castelberg, Frances Clegg, -, Valerie Neild, Nancy Stevenson, Sarah Crowley.
Not in picture: Quentin Compton-Bishop, Joanna Hyslop, Nilgün Sarmas

The twentieth group meeting 22 October 2015, Royal Thames Yacht Club, Knigtsbridge - flyer.
From near centre, clockwise: Susan La Fontaine, Joe Murat, Cristina Schnettger, Pelin Böke, Emre Aracı, Teri Sisa Mason, Alexandros Kedros, Camellia Elerman, Edwin La Fontaine.
Not in picture: Zeynep Cebeci Suvari, Kurtuluş Suvari, Frances Clegg, Brent Clegg, Quentin Compton-Bishop, Clive Cookson, Sarah Crowley, Willem Daniels, Craig Encer, John Gandon, Joanna Hyslop, Philip Mansel, John Neild, Valerie Neild (speaker), Mark Ransome, Jane Ransome, Thora Ray, John Ray, Jill Sindall, Brian Taylor (speaker), Andre Testa, Hans Verkerk, Marion Verkerk.

The nineteenth group meeting 2 July 2015, Royal Thames Yacht Club, Knightsbridge - flyer.
Standing from left: Mark Ransome, Sarah Crowley, Julian Childs, Philip Mansel, Emin Saatçi, Zeynep Cebeci Suvari, George Vassiadis (speaker), Jonathan Beard, -, Cordelia Shackleton, Rupert Scott, Edward Charlton-Jones (speaker), John Neild, Thora Ray, John Ray, Quentin Compton-Bishop, -, Edwin La Fontaine, Ian Plenderleith, Joe Murat, Mary Catelberg-Koulma, Rob Graham, Joanna Hyslop, Cengiz Tarhan
Sitting from left: Hans Verkerk, Marian Verkerk, -, Sheera Suner, Reyan Suner, Liz Plenderleith, Valerie Neild, Craig Encer, Caroline Davidson.
Not in picture: Frances Clegg, Alexander Kedros.

The eighteenth group meeting 4 February 2015, Royal Thames Yacht Club, Knightsbridge.
Standing from left: George Lemos, Philip Mansel, John Ray, Alexandros Kedros, Joe Murat (speaker), Ümit Eser, Erin Graham, John Mole, Sarah Crowley, George Vassiadis, Stephen Boys Smith, Thora Ray, John Neild, Malcolm Billings
Sitting from left: Valerie Neild, Judith Galdies, Craig Encer, Alev Adil Reid, Joanna Hyslop, Rob Graham, George Galdies, Frances Clegg.
Not in picture: Quentin Compton Bishop.
The seventeenth group meeting and AGM 15 December 2014, Royal Thames Yacht Club, Knightsbridge.
Standing from left: Rob Graham, Malcolm Billings, John Ray, Ali Açıkalın, Quentin Compton Bishop, John Neild, George Galdies, Alexandros Kedros, Sarah Crowley, Joe Murat
Sitting from left: Judith Galdies, Thora Ray, Ioanna Koukouni, Joanna Hyslop, Gül Tokay, Nicola Murat.
Not in picture: Philip Mansel, Craig Encer, Frances Clegg.
The sixteenth group meeting 30 March 2014, Cafe Rouge, Knightsbridge.
Clockwise from head of table: Edwin La Fontaine, Ümit Eser, Helene Aicolina, Rhianon Boardman, John Neild, Valerie Neild, Craig Encer, Mark Ransome, Quentin Compton Bishop, George Galdies, Wallis Kidd, Philip Mansel, Dominic Church, Susan La Fontaine - missing from the photo Joe Murat.
The fifteenth group meeting 4 March 2014, Cafe Rouge, Knightsbridge.
Clockwise from head of table: Philip Mansel, Quentin Compton Bishop, Nancy Stevenson, Ümit Eser, Chris Seaton, George Vassiadis, Joe Murat, John Neild, George Galdies, Edwin La Fontaine, Valerie Neild - missing from the photo Craig Encer.
The thirteenth group meeting 22 October 2013, Cafe Rouge, Knightsbridge.
Left to right standing: John Gandon, Ümit Eser, Quentin Compton Bishop, Hans Verkerk, George Galdies, Joe Murat, George Vassiadis,
Sitting from left: Wallis Kidd, Helene Aicolina, Marian Verkerk, Craig Encer, Edward Nowill, Sarah Crowley - missing on the photo, Philip Mansel, Jonathan Beard.
The twelfth group meeting 19 August 2013, Cafe Rouge, Knightsbridge.
Left to right standing: Quentin Compton Bishop, Edwin La Fontaine, George Galdies, Joe Murat, Thora Ray, George Vassiadis, Joyce Cully, Liz Knight, John Neild, Sarah Crowley
Sitting from left: Valerie Neild, Craig Encer, Jane Clarke, Judith Galdies, John Ray, Susan La Fontaine.
The eleventh group meeting 8 April 2013, Richoux, Knightsbridge.
Left to right standing: Harry Charnaud, John Neild, Philip Mansel, Joyce Cully, Eve Kidd, Wallis Kidd, Sarah Crowley, Thomas Keily, Kalliopi Amygdalou, Quentin Compton Bishop, Jonathan Beard, George Galdies, Hans Verkerk, William Chasseaud, George Vassiadis, Susan La Fontaine, Joyce Cully, Liz Knight,
Sitting from left: Craig Encer, Valerie Neild, Joanna Hyslop, Liz Knight, Judith Galdies, George Galdies.
The tenth group meeting 3 October 2012, same location.
Left to right standing: Jane Newman, Sarah Crowley, Craig Encer, Ian Plenderleith, Edwin La Fontaine, Joe Murat, George Galdies, Hans Verkerk, William Chasseaud, George Vassiadis, Susan La Fontaine, Joyce Cully, Jonathan Beard, Liz Knight,
Sitting from left: Valerie Neild, Liz Plenderleith, Helene Aicolina, Judith Galdies, Marian Verkerk
Not in the picture: John McCarthy, Quentin Compton Bishop, Philip Mansel, Sheila Thomas, Mark Gazaleh, Oliver Forge.
The ninth group meeting 19 December 2011, same location.
Left to right standing: Edwin La Fontaine, John Ray, Hans Verkerk, George Vassiadis, Thora Ray, Rhianon Boardman, Marian Verkerk, John Neild, Sarah Crowley, John McCarthy, Patrick Grigsby, Quentin Compton Bishop, Jonathan Beard, Joyce Cully, William Chasseaud, Joe Murat, Henry McKenzie Johnson.
sitting from left: Valerie Neild, Susan La Fontaine, Beryl Grigsby, Craig Encer (not visible in the group: Philip Mansel).
The eight group meeting meeting 10 October 2011, same location.
Left to right standing: Patrick Grigsby, George Vassiadis, Thora Ray, Craig Encer, Sarah Crowley, Joe Murat, Jonathan Beard, Quentin Compton Bishop, John Ray, Beryl Grigsby, Hans Verkerk
sitting from left: Edwin La Fontaine, George Galdies, Helene Aicolina, Susan La Fontaine, Marian Verkerk (not visible in the group: John McCarthy).
The seventh group meeting meeting 1 July 2011, same location.
Left to right standing: Susan La Fontaine, Edwin La Fontaine, Valerie Neild, Quentin Compton Bishop, John Ray, Betty McKernan, Hans Verkerk, Philip Mansel, Jane Clarke, Joyce Cully, Marian Verkerk, Beryl Grigsby, Judith Galdies, Thora Ray, Willem Daniels, Patrick Grigsby, Joe Murat, John Neild
sitting from left: George Galdies, Craig Encer, George Vassiadis (not visible in the group: Liz Plenderleith).
The sixth Levantine group meeting meeting 17 January 2011, same location.
Left to right standing: Syed Abidi, Harry Charnaud, Sarah Crowley, Hans Verkerk, John Ray, George Vassiadis, George Galdies, John Neild, S. H., Andrew Malleson, Edwin La Fontaine, Joyce Cully, Philip Mansel, Quentin Compton Bishop; sitting from left: Thora Ray, Valerie Neild, Craig Encer, Marian Verkerk, Helene Aicolina, Linda Verkerk, Judith Galdies.
Attendees for the Monday 4th October 2010 meeting: George and Judith Galdies, John and Thora Ray, George Vassiadis, Edwin La Fontaine, Helene Aicolina, Joe Murat, Harry Charnaud.
The fourth group meetings at the Knightsbridge branch of this restaurant, 28th June 2010 at the of this restaurant chain. From left to right standing: Sarah Crowley, Joe Murat, George Galdies, Mark Boardman, Hans Verkerk, Quentin Compton-Bishop, Edwin La Fontaine, George Vassiadis, John Ray, Philip Mansel, Joyce Cully. Seated left to right: Rhianon Boardman, Marian Verkerk, Yolande Whittall, Helene Aicolina, Judith Galdies, Thora Ray (not visible in the photo: Craig Encer, Peter and Jo Knight).
The attendees at the third of the London based group meetings in the same restaurant, 8th March 2010. From left to right: Nancy Stevenson, John Neild, Valerie Neild, George Vassiadis, Sarah Crowley, Quentin Compton-Bishop, Willem Daniels, Jane Clarke, John Ray, Craig Encer, George Galdies, Judith Galdies, Edwin La Fontaine, Marian Verkerk, Joe Murat, Hans Verkerk, Thora Ray, Joyce Cully (not visible in the photo: Yolande Whittall, Andrew Mango, Philip Mansel - half-visible).
The attendees at the second of the UK based group meetings in the same restaurant, 23-Nov-2009. From left to right, Valerie Neild, Joe Murat, George Vassiadis, George Galdies, Craig Encer and Edwin La Fontaine.
The attendees at the first of the UK based group meetings in the restaurant Richoux, Picadilly, 11-Aug-2009. From left to right, Craig Encer, Osman Streater, George Vassiadis, Quentin Compton Bishop, George Galdies, Edwin La Fontaine.