TB, a Levant Company Factor on Pilgrimage, 1669 - Jonathan Picarsi
The diary of Samuel Medley, butler to the Earl of Kinnoull, British ambassador to Constantinople, covering the dates 16 October, 1733 to 9 November, 1736
Memoirs and diary of Henry Abbott (1764-1819)
Maxime Fidao’s recollections of the Smyrna years - segment
Grace Williamson’s diary of the September 1922 events in Smyrna, a brief return to the city post-fire, and that for the period 1914-20.
‘A Potpourri of Sidelights and Shadows from Turkey’ – Alexander MacLachlan – 1938, segment of his diary covering his 36 years in Smyrna - pdf version:
Autobiographical sketch by George C. McVittie, astronomer and scientist
Emily Jane Holton diary of the 1922 Smyrna events
Journal du voyage de Conrad Godard Nicolas Schutz de Maastricht à Constantinople l’an 1756 - (Sur les traces de Conrad) - Chantal Petrucci, 2018
‘Je Trouve Bien’ - James Hasson
Moda – A Record with reflection from the day gone - Hugh McKinley Whittall