
William Williams was the Chief constable inspector of the British consular prison in Constantinople.

He married Martha Collins in 1859 and his occupation on the marriage banns was inspector of police. We have been in contact with the police heritage in London and there is no record of him being in the Metropolitan or city of London police force in the UK. They said that he was probably employed by the prison/ consular service. We know he was in Galata, Constantinople in 1861 as we have a record of his membership in the Masonic lodge and records of his children’s baptism in the Anglican Church in Galata between 1867 to 1871.

Section of the 1862 Constantinople Masonic Lodge members listing.
Some other names recorded on this sheet showing the multi-ethnic make up of the Lodge at the time:
Richard Foote of Pera, M.D.; William Cottle Broad of Kustendjie, Engineer; John Gibson Almond of Galata, Engineer; Richard Routh of Erzeroom, Acting Consul; Robert A. Carleton of Pera, editor; Edward H. Tinney of Galata, Barrister, Mirza Hussein Kaha (?) of Istanbul, Merchant; Said Tagki (?) of Istanbul, Merchant; Hadji Nour Muhammed of Istanbul, Merchant; Jean Houri of Pera, Merchant; Hilarion Gues of Pera, M.D.; John Porter Brown of Pera, Secretary of Legation; Robert Reid of Buyukdere, Engineer; George Ruffles Warren of Hasskeuy, Engineer; Hadji Refsul of Istanbul, Merchant; George Xantaki of Pera, Engineer; Sigfried Kurlander of Pera, Merchant; Daniel Lamy Krinks of Haskeui, Engineer; George Jarvis of Haskeui, Engineer; James O’Connor of Pera, Telegraph Officer; Andrew Castell of Pera, Engineer.
As a side observation it appears on the meeting of the 4th March (?) 1862 5 members were expelled (termed as excluded), presumably for breaking the Masonic code for secrecy? Routh of Erzurum and the 3 Moslem members listed on this sheet, perhaps who were all possibly involved in the same indiscretion incident?

Acknowledgement note of receipt of wages by William Williams from his employer Sir Edmund Hornby, Supreme judge of the British Consular court of Constaninople, March 1864.