War memorial to the Italian Levantine war dead, Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Alsancak, Izmir |
The transcription:Il 13 ottobre 1921, una solenne Messa fu celebrata per gli Italiani di Smirne caduti sul campo d’onore nella Grande Guerra a luogo nella Chiesa del Ss. Rosario alla Punta: “…Dopo la Messa, autorità e popolo si riversò sul piazzale della Chiesa, ove si venne allo scoprimento della Lapide commemorativa, in cui erano incisi in carattere nero dallo scultore Previsani, i nomi dei soldati italiani di Smirne morti sul campo d’onore, durante la Grande Guerra. Tenne la Commemorazione il R. P. Fr. Reginaldo Giuliani O. P., in cui poeticamente rievocò la memoria degli eroi spariti e l’immagine della Patria assente. …” Ecco i nomi dei Caduti: Aliotti Antonio The translation:The 13th of October 1921, a Mass at the Rosary church in Punta was celebrated for the fallen on the field of honour in the First World War: “After the Mass, the authorities and the congregation poured into the square of the Church, where a commemorative plaque, carved by the sculptor Previsani was dispalyed and on it in black font, the names of the Italian soldiers of Smyrna who died in the field of honour, during the Great War were written down. Father Reginaldo Giuliani O.P. held the sermon, and remembered in a poetic fashion the heroes who had died and the image of their lost homeland…”.1 These are the names of the fallen: Aliotti Antonio Note: Further information by Enrico Aliotti on his uncle Antonio Aliotti. 1. Sourced from the notebook termed ‘Cronaca’ kept by the Domenican priests of the SS Rosaire Church, kindly provided by Padre Stefano Negro. - view plaque for the French war dead of the city
submission courtesy of Linda Tito, 2012