image courtesy of Fabio Tito
The map and other documentation, part of the title deed of the former Tito house in Punta. The first owner was Giuseppe Tito (1851-1932).
image courtesy of Fabio Tito
image courtesy of Fabio Tito
image courtesy of Fabio Tito
image courtesy of Fabio Tito
Father Giuseppe Tito holding son Nino c. 1924.
image courtesy of Fabio Tito
The Tito brothers outside this house, circa 1926.
image courtesy of Fabio Tito
The Tito brothers outside this house.
image courtesy of Fabio Tito
The House in its ruinous state before demolition. The house was at n. 4 on Boulevard Aliotti / Scagliarino Sokak. Photographed around 2000, in 2010 the remaining frontage also collaped.