Ottoman script documents | French documents | Greek documents |
This is the Ottoman identity papers (nüfus cüzdani) of the Ottoman Greek lady Christina Hadji Kosta (written as Hobkasta an error of the Ottoman scribe), resident at 68/12 Divan Road, in Bournabat, Smyrna, wife of Yani Hadji Murad, daughter of Simon Hadji Kosta and his wife Sophia Maria - dated 20 May 1321 (Islamic calendar) / 2 June 1905 (Christian calendar). |
Document series 2 |
Contract(?) [temesut] of two measures of water
in the name Petrou Ioannis, and
this was further sold to us
The cover of a contract(?) [temesut] from 1860. The contract itself is written in French and Ottoman script shown below.
It is curious that the contract is about two measures of water that are sold. |
Water service documentation. |
Document series 3 |
Contract(?) [temesut] of the Bornova house of Maria Kosti.
Contract(?) [temesut] of plot bought by Lefki [=White] Whitall, in Bournova, in the name of Maria Mitzell.
1862. September 11.-
In Smyrna.
The cover of another included contract, about a house bought in Bornova. A female member of the Whitall family buys the house for the same Maria Hajji-Kostis nee Mitzell, daughter of St. G. Mitsell and probably the great-granddaughter of Gianni di Missael. |
Document series 4 |
The contract of the new house. |
Document series 5 |
Document series 6 |
Document series 7 |
Greek transcriptions, translations and analysis (larger text) courtesy of George Poulimenos, 2009 |