The launch of the ‘Bornova Culture Island’ project, Bornova, Izmir, 15 October 2021
Left to right: Can Ersoy Dider (World City İzmir Association Vice President), -, Frederick Cramer (Izmir Levantine Association), Giuliano Maria Cristiano Gloghini (president Izmir Levantine Association), -, Tunç Soyer (mayor of Izmir), Mustafa İduğ (mayor of Bornova), Enriko Filipuçi (Izmir Levantine Association), Jaklin Buttigieg (Izmir Levantine Association), Peter Papi (Izmir Levantine Association), Rodney Simes (Izmir Levantine Association).

Gathering as part of ‘Bornova Culture Island’ encompassing the celebration and preservation of the Yeşilova tumulus, the Homeros valley and caves and the Levantine houses of the region, in a tour leg stop, here in the Edward Whittall garden, 15 October 2021.
Left to right: Altan Altın (local historian), Ahmet Altan (Izmir Mayor chief advisor), Giuliano Maria Cristiano Gloghini (president Izmir Levantine Association), Can Ersoy Dider (World City İzmir Association Vice President), Tunç Soyer (mayor of Izmir), Gülper Şahin Ergün (president of the Service Industry Employees Association), Mustafa İduğ (mayor of Bornova), Brian Giraud (location host), Enriko Filipuçi (Izmir Levantine Association).
Enriko Filipuçi (Izmir Levantine Association) giving his talk.
Giuliano Maria Cristiano Gloghini (president Izmir Levantine Association) giving his talk.