Portrait of Henry Lannoy Hunter, an Aleppo consul in the early eighteenth century, portrayed in oriental dress and showing off the fruits of a successful hunt.
A caravan of horses and camels approaches Aleppo from the Mediterranean coast in the late seventeenth century, from Cornelis Le Bruyn, Voyage to the Levant (1702).
The Al-Gumruk Khan in Aleppo today where the English traders were based.
The audience room in the citadel of Aleppo where the English traders would have been pleading with the Ottoman authorities.
Typical layout of the upper living quarters of a khan of the period, from Alexander Russell, The Natural History of Aleppo (1756).
The Topkapı Palace as it appeared from Galata, from Cornelis Le Bruyn, Voyage to the Levant (1702).
The Victorians arrive: David Roberts’ painting Interview with the Viceroy of Egypt.
A gold beaker bearing the Levant Company’s arms, presented to Katherine, Lady Trumbull, in April 1687, on her departure to Constantinople as a diplomatic wife.
A portrait of an Ottoman court official dating from the early seventeenth century from the book A briefe relation of the Turckes, their kings, Emperors, or Grandsigneurs, their conquests, religion, customes, habbits, etc.
A Dutch depiction of Smyrna in its prime, a diplomatic audience taking place in the foreground, from the book Gezicht op de Turkse stad Smyrna met op de voorgrond een voorstelling van de ontvangst van de Nederlandse consul (1687).